Political memes ONLY.. To prove your political points.

idk, a nice gentle but firm bear hug from behind and drop him out the door Fred Flintstone style would have worked nicely.


Might get fired for it, but worth not letting the old jerk hurt himself or others being an asshole.
Your tolerance for stupidity is much higher than mine. I commend you for it because I don’t have your patience. But, like Popeye says ”I ams what I ams”
The video clearly shows the deplorable old man assaulted the store employee but the racist uni bomber sees just the opposite, just like everything else he has it ass-backwards.

So the Walmart bouncer guy with his fear mask exposing his nostrils, was trying to please his corporate masters and you approve of his boot lickery?

Not surprised, you Trump lovers are all alike!
So the Walmart bouncer guy with his fear mask exposing his nostrils, was trying to please his corporate masters and you approve of his boot lickery?
This one sentence is so wrong about so much.

I always give you the benefit of doubt, Bob. I see you as one of those devil’s advocate guys, and I kinda like that. It serves a purpose, I think.

But then I read something like this and I start to think.........maybe you really are deranged.
This one sentence is so wrong about so much.

I always give you the benefit of doubt, Bob. I see you as one of those devil’s advocate guys, and I kinda like that. It serves a purpose, I think.

But then I read something like this and I start to think.........maybe you really are deranged.

So the Walmart bouncer guy didn't have his fear mask below his nostrils and wasn't practicing the magical "social distancing" ?

I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt and I kind of like you, has excessive masturbation caused some problems with your vision? I mean 6 times a day, man I hope you're hydrating?
So the Walmart bouncer guy didn't have his fear mask below his nostrils and wasn't practicing the magical "social distancing" ?

I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt and I kind of like you, has excessive masturbation caused some problems with your vision? I mean 6 times a day, man I hope you're hydrating?
Easy there big fella. You’re making a lot of assumptions. Adjust your frequency or loosen the tinfoil a bit.