LED strip Lords. I need your guidance.

Get them with minor sinking, 2mm u-channel or angle. The max amps are extremely high and they will melt if you run both channels on max, sinking or no sinking. Trust me, we did it, 200w into 2 vestas dont work well, it completely melted the strips.

the way to connect is to do separate series for each channel, then have a wago where you can connect or disconnect each channel so to get separate effects. Id say both channels is the go to for vegg unless they are very stretchy, then 5000k.

As an aside, what material are the EB Gen3 made from?
the 46v refering to the typical drive current of 1120mA.
youre lower, so your voltage will be, how much, no clue as there is no nice graph showing it (or is it?)

there are graphs for the individual dies, that said i think you can use samsung's engine calculator and play with current & temperature and it displays voltage, so i would hope samsung uses the digitized/raw data for that. i have these g3 f strips so i can measure voltages.
have no overview over the recent pricings.
but if the SI-B8T521560WW is good, you still can consider that one with your driver.
the samsung calc says (totaly forgot that one).

at 700mA, at 40c 44,8V , at 60C 44,7V, makes 134,1V, 93,87W.
at 350mA, (2 in parallel), 43,6V at 40C, 43.5V at 60C by 3 makes 130,5V and 91,35W
that could work out, very slightly over the specified voltage only in real world.

Should be a 90-95W the 80W driver have to supply.
the voltage protection of your driver kicks in from 150V, i think he will start your strips, maybe not in a cold garage.
Sure, XLGs are cheap n quite nice.

FR4 is glasfibre btw.
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have no overview over the recent pricings.
but if the SI-B8T521560WW is good, you still can consider that one with your driver.
the samsung calc says (totaly forgot that one).

at 700mA, at 40c 44,8V , at 60C 44,7V, makes 134,1V, 93,87W.
at 350mA, (2 in parallel), 43,6V at 40C, 43.5V at 60C by 3 makes 130,5V and 91,35W
that could work work out, very slightly over the specified voltage only in real world.

Should be a 90-95W the 80W driver have to supply.
the voltage protection of your driver kicks in from 150V, i think he will start your strips, maybe not in a cold garage.
Sure, XLGs are cheap n quite nice.

FR4 is glasfibre btw.

Thank you for following up on that! Rocket sold me on those Vestas and they are only a couple bucks more. I have them in my cart and about to purchase. Do you have reasons why you think the F Strips are a better choice for my setup? Or do you think I should just go for the Vestas?
Thank you for following up on that! Rocket sold me on those Vestas and they are only a couple bucks more. I have them in my cart and about to purchase. Do you have reasons why you think the F Strips are a better choice for my setup? Or do you think I should just go for the Vestas?
F strips are no doubt better on paper and maybe in real terms aswell if theyre going for 8$. For vegg its nice to have a few options, fast vegg or slow, stretch control etc... But the 8$ deal is damn tasty
hm, its realy up to you and what you want.
if youre not planing to play with the color temp and the f-strips are nice price now, theyre a option.
just sounded like it would be possible (while beeing dam close) and seems to be very cheap.
i dont know how important the price is for you neither made the price calc for all setups.
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how many led do the SI-B8T521560WW have?
96? 8 cent a diode mounted on a strip, isnt bad for beeing not from china.

actually those have 144 dies, - LT-F564B : 16S x 9P as per specs. those strips are usually around 20-25$, the arrow has only the 4000k variants for 7-8$, for that price it's a no brainer, but it's only the 4000k. also the price is fluctuating between 7-8$ and around 23-24$ on arrow itself, there is another thread here somewhere where multiple people are speculating it's a market-check-automatism (eg somebody has these strips they have it cheap, when arrow bot sees that they lower the price).

edit: also i must say arrow is fsck good in terms of shipping, very fast, for me it was even free (no vat no customs, incoterms ddp), you have to signup for arrowperks for that but it's free. my strips arrived in a week from us to central eu.
no, but i am glad you corrected me!
have to say the samsung naming system is... not nice.

still a good price, the calc told me theyre 190 lm/w at 700mA and 198 at 350mA.

yeah i'm running 9 of them around 5-5.5A, i have 3mm thick 50x50x50mm u channels and they are barely warm to touch, i would guess around 37-38C, but i will try to measure later. there is a thermal sensor for the handheld multimeter, i will play with it (i guess it's not really accurate esp without soldering)
Finally getting around to working on this Veg project this weekend, and have ordered 5 of the Vestas.

The Samsungs seem like they would be awesome, I just don't want to find out last minute that they won't work with my driver. Also more I read about the Vestas I really like the tunable spectrum option.

Since I already have an extra slate and HLG-60H-54B as well, I decided to grab an HLG Bspec board too and use an extra 2x2x5 tent I had just for Moms.

Also ordered a dimmer for my HLG65 4000k from Amazon. Going to throw this into my old 2x2x3 and use it for early veg.

Between the 3 setups it will be interesting to see what the results are!

Just have to find some decent priced angle or uchannel for the strips frame/sinks. Everything is out of stock and crazy prices in retail shops near me.
Can’t wait to see the build and results. There are just waaaaaaay to many options out there and it can get confusing. I plan to switch to led from my 600w HPS/MH setup the next grow. Just don’t know what. Probably QB and strips combined in a DIY. Maybe. ;). Good luck with the build.
Waiting for my Vestas to arrive today. Been hunting for something to build a frame for the last week.

My initial plan was to buy two 8ft lengths of 1x2" alum angle, and chop it into two 3ft and five 2ft sections. Then use the 2" side to mount the strips onto the five 2' sections, and then the 3' lengths act as braces for each of the strips. I built my smaller veg light this way and it worked out good and cheap.

However, WTF is up with aluminum prices man. There's nothing in stock and everything seems like 2x the price it was 6 mos ago. Even Craigslist is really sparse.

Lowes doesn't carry 1x2" so I would have to get 2x2" angle, and they want $40 per 8ft! Home Depot is cheaper but fuck them I will never spend a penny there again.

I finally found a local place in LA that is wholesale to the public, and only $18 per 8ft. Of course I placed the order, they call the next day to say sorry its out of stock. Gahh.

I just sent an email to the place that I got my custom heatsinks made for my QBs for. Hoping they have some LED housing or something for cheap that will work and look nice.

Wondering if you all have any other suggestions for building an approximately 3x2' fixture for five 2' Vesta strips? I would like to stay around $50 in materials if possible. Thought about baking sheet but that restricts airflow a bit and doesnt give me full spread that I want.