If your unsure about watering I would never recommend using such a large pot off the get go.
What exactly do you mean by qbs have different answers compared to blurples easy formula.
I've always started in the pot I'm going to finish in, I'm no expert, but this is my 7th time around. First 6 went great.
Blurples like viparspectra on their website tells you how high to hang, and what it covers per period, seedling, veg to flower.
With my QBs, flowering was easy, full blast 18" no biggie, awesome results every time, but I got my QB's after veg was done my last two grows.
If you search the forums, when it comes to HLG there's no set formula, most people say between 12 and 30 inches, which is huge, and usually for flower its 30-35 QB watts per sq ft, Veg 70%, but can't find a definitive answer on seedlings.
If the leaves curl up I'll know the light is too close, but the leaves curling down had me a little concerned.