Nothing dumber than a flat earther

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Navel battles of the World Wars had battleships and cruisers hurling 8” to 18” shells at each other over the horizon on the flat oceans.
This just in. bongsmilie Periscopes have been deemed useless due to the oceans curvature. LOL !!! Periscopes are equipped with infra red to wash out fog and other atmospheric conditions and they can see for miles with these things because the oceans are flat ! Naval surface to surface missile systems use a infra red pencil beam to track targets over 200 miles out. How? BECAUSE THE OCEANS ARE FLAT. Globetard :dunce:
Gravity is a bitch for some. It’s evident to all, but because he can’t see it or taste it Griller feels comfy just denying gravity altogether

for jesus. Keep in mind all of this is for god. His stupidity knows no bounds
Wrong. What makes you way more stupid than me is all the assumptions you make. Gravity is archaic Newtonian garbage. Your dim witted mind can't comprehend that metals, gases and liquids can all be measured in their levels of density. Once you comprehend this measurement table you will see there is no need for the hocus pocus and the mysterious and elusive "GRAVITY" soooooo stupid LMAO. Go join the Space Force :dunce: hahahha
Isn’t his ability to spin complete bullshit out of thin air just amazing? I’m mean, he may as well be selling Santa or unicorns, but you have to admire his enthusiasm. Like a 5 year old earnestly telling me about how Santa is coming.
~snip~ I have provided undeniable and empirical evidence with factual demonstrations
Actually, no. Not one of your claims has withstood even rudimentary review.
via educational youtube videos how a ball earth is impossible.
Educational YouTube videos!!

You need university-library quality references. Heck, one can find Educational YouTube Videos touting astonishingly stupid nonsense.

Like every EYtV!! you’ve posted.
tesla never said any of the bullshit you ascribe to him.

And in fact the Great Lakes do measure a tide, albeit small. It is measurable
I read Tesla's autobiography. I will assume you don't know what a autobiography is because well... :dunce: ......anyway the title is My Inventions. Tesla wrote the book himself about his life. That's what a autobiography is Globetard. Your science is science fiction. My science is science reality. It's hard hitting, speaks truth to power and flies in the face of all the utter bullshit you have been indoctrinated with through television and the public school system. The Great Lakes DO NOT have a tide and are non-tidal. Stop with the lies. It screams of desperation as if your grasping for whatever you can cling to in order to hang on to your cherished doctrine.
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And yet, his company sent a crew to the space station....hmm
:roll: Nikola Tesla was a Serbian-American inventor who died in New York City Jan. 7, 1943. He could build a machine in his mind, run it and make improvements and perfect it before he ever touched anything. Then go into a workshop, build it and it would run perfect every time. As a little boy he built a toy hovercraft powered by June bugs and a lure to catch frogs. Very interesting character and a great read. I think you must be referring to Elon Musk who is a fraud of the highest order. bongsmilie lol @ the space station. You almost made beer come out of my nose. :-D The human body can not withstand what the atmosphere does to it at high altitude. Dysbarism and hypoxia wreak havoc. Pressurized suits prevent gas being trapped in the body and expanding in high altitude pilots. They must breathe a special mix of oxygen through a mask under positive pressure. Above 60,000 feet evaporation is so radical that fluids boil out of the throat. Yet, you Globetards see these NASA dorks in so called "outer space" wearing nothing but khaki pants, short sleeve shirts and white socks and BELIEVE IT !!! smh :dunce: Just shows how ignorant and stupid you are. bongsmilie
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All bullshit. Tesla NEVER said these things. That’s been determined a hundred pages back in this thread.

what a lying sack of bullshit this guy is.
Wrong. What makes you way more stupid than me is all the assumptions you make. Gravity is archaic Newtonian garbage. Your dim witted mind can't comprehend that metals, gases and liquids can all be measured in their levels of density. Once you comprehend this measurement table you will see there is no need for the hocus pocus and the mysterious and elusive "GRAVITY" soooooo stupid LMAO. Go join the Space Force :dunce: hahahha
Can you walk to the edge of this flat earth and jump off for us? Since there is no gravity nothing will happen. :bigjoint:
lol, exactely, One would think it would be a lot easier for a flat eather to just go to the edge and prove they are right.....after they make it out of their mommy's basement that is.
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