312w, CFL's, 4 plants, TV Cab growbox: GrowJournal.


Well-Known Member
Well the best I can do is leave that one end open and vent the rest up to the attic, no more space for an intake, but I was able to get rid of one of the window fans and a small fan and temps are staying around 80, and it is pretty hot out. All in all I think it was a wise investment for how cheap everything was.


Well-Known Member
Well, I am now the proud father of 4 beautiful girls, the smallest baby showed its sex tonight, here is a pic for verification. I had no idea at the start of this grow that I would have 4 healthy females, lets just hope the next 6-7 weeks go really well!



Well-Known Member
Haha I never expected to get 100% female, but what the hell, harvest time should be fun if I make it there.


Well-Known Member
So, you have 150watts of HPS and 150watts of CFL?

So roughly 300w? What is your total lumens? Do you think you will have enough there to power all 4 of the ladies the way they need to be?


Well-Known Member
Well the grow space is roughly 2x3 ft, the HPS puts off 15000 lumens and then there are 8 26w cfl's putting off 1700 lumens a piece. So I think I should be fine, cause I am not buying anymore lights right now.


Well-Known Member
Plants in seedling and clone stage require about 400-500 lumens per square foot. In vegetative growth they require about 2,500 lumens per square foot and in flowering, they require about 10,000 lumens per square foot.

I read this on this thread.. you think he's right?

I think yours are doing fine. I wonder how the buds will turn out... Iunno, do you think having 2 in a 2x3ft VS 4 in a 2x3ft area matter? Do you have to divide the lumens by plants??? or can they "share" lumens?? Whatchya think?


Well-Known Member
I am pretty sure that the plants share lumens, if you have 20 people lined up tanning on a beach, do they share light from the sun? No, the lights put out whatever lumen output, and each plants gets that output.


Well-Known Member
Just an analogy of some sort. I don't think the number of plants matters as much as the distance each plant is from the light.


Well-Known Member
I have to agree with bxke.

I have just finished building a pvc/plastic sheeting grow-tent. My space is 60" tall, 22" deep, and 48" long.

Right now I've got 12 CFLs spread out in 2 hanging fixtures (3x2 lights per fixture) and I'm getting some pretty good yields from 4-6 plants at a time. I just pulled one 18" tall plant and got 22g dried off of it. Not bad for CFLs, but HID is coming soon.

So I'm thinking instead of getting a 400w HPS, I'll get 2 150w HPS. Less luminous output, but better coverage for the long grow space. And I figure with them only being 150w I can put them down closer to the plants without so much fear of burning the tops.

Mr. Bitti

Well-Known Member
looking good bro...im about 5 days ahead of u in flowering check my journal out just posted up. They don't look as nice as yours cause they are rootbound and have N deficiency. That is my diagnosis for now gonna transplant probably tomorrow and incrementally increase nutes to see what happens. Wish me good luck, i wanna try and get a decent yield so gotta remedy this prob soon.

Mr. Bitti

Well-Known Member
very nice garden man those are looking good. On that transplant note, i was told today that transplant at this point could be bad for my flower period because plants will devote energy into growing roots instead of focusing on growing buds. Any of you guys got some info on this?? its really making me second guess the transplant thing. Any help appreciated.