312w, CFL's, 4 plants, TV Cab growbox: GrowJournal.


Well-Known Member
AHH! Call the National Guard! They'll overtake us all! That is a fantastic setup and some REALLY nice plants! If my plant turns out to be a boy, do you think You can give me one of yours? LOL It will have a wonderful home and the best care I can offer it until I dismember her and hang her upside down for a few days!

Yeah... If you aren't talking about MJ, those words would be really disturbing...

Fantastic work though! Your grow and Icurbyou's grow are so similar it is uncanny!
Keep it up!


Well-Known Member
If my plant turns out to be a boy, do you think You can give me one of yours? LOL It will have a wonderful home and the best care I can offer it until I dismember her and hang her upside down for a few days!

Yeah... If you aren't talking about MJ, those words would be really disturbing...
HAHA, that's funny shit.


Well-Known Member
Nothing new to report today, I will probably just leave the setup alone for a while, the good ole saying, "If it ain't broke, don't fix it" takes heed here.


Well-Known Member
Iunno, have you found any sources stating that it would occur? If so, please share so we can learn from your resources! :)


Well-Known Member
It seems to be working just fine how it is so I am going to leave it, I like it about 8in from the plant tops.


Well-Known Member
Sorry to post twice about this topic on your Journal bxke... Hey Mr. Bitti, I am still interested to know if you have resources stating toxicity if I go closer than bxke! Thankssss!


Well-Known Member
I don't think it can get light toxicity, I have seen journals with cooltube HPS systems less than 6in from the plants.

Mr. Bitti

Well-Known Member
couldnt find the post i was looking for but heres a quick quote that makes me think theres something like it.

"Optimal height:

Noon sun is 100-150 klux. With this in mind (and my toasted tops at 7"), the lights should be adjusted to a height that keeps the maximum intensity at the canopy at 300-400 or below (purple in the first CFL plot and all HPS plots). "

This is a quote from a real nice post by ceestyle.

Anyway i heard somewhere that there is such thing as having too much lux and therefore light toxicity. New foliage would be extremely light green because the plant cant photosynthesize or something of the sort. I was really hoping you guys would school me on it but i guess we can all find out simultaneously:lol::lol:!!


Well-Known Member
weird, bxke doesnt have a cooltube and he is at 8"...

I'll test it for sure. I will start at 8" like bxke is at, and scoot closer and closer until i notice a problem... If they ever get over their AIDS, that is.

Mr. Bitti

Well-Known Member
weird, bxke doesnt have a cooltube and he is at 8"...

I'll test it for sure. I will start at 8" like bxke is at, and scoot closer and closer until i notice a problem... If they ever get over their AIDS, that is.
sweet man, keep us posted.


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, just saw this thread and thought i would tell ya' that those things are sweet!

I also use CFL's and was wondering if you used the HPS with the CFL's at the same time, all the way through the vegging stage?


Well-Known Member
Welp, I can officially say this is the first boner I got reading this thread.... Thanks lil mafia...


Well-Known Member
ICURBYOU.......damn i just realized I was reading like 4 threads with you on it at the same time........:eyesmoke:........love the idea for the reflector, great DIY!


Well-Known Member
Not too much to update today, the little one is still waiting to hit puberty, the other 3 are sprouting more and more little white hairs (I can't wait to see them in a week!) I don't have my good camera with me so no closeups, but here is a couple pics to hold ya over.

