Too much S in LST


Well-Known Member
If you accidentally break a branch that's still attached at all, just leave it alone and think of it as an accidental supercropping. You can also use a little tape if you want.
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Weed Modifier
So you topped your auto... ouch!
Why you trying to bend it so much on the first bend?
LST is Low Stress Training
If your breaking branches, then you are being way to aggressive... which is HST.


Well-Known Member
I have read about people doing this on purpose To autos and it working out great. I am sure that they have the environment dialed in perfectly.

I love each of my plants and have a really hard time giving up on any of them! If it was my plant I would wait things out and see what happens. At the least you will learn about the strain and how it responds to topping at this stage.

Good luck :weed::peace::)


Well-Known Member
I have read about people doing this on purpose To autos and it working out great. I am sure that they have the environment dialed in perfectly.

I love each of my plants and have a really hard time giving up on any of them! If it was my plant I would wait things out and see what happens. At the least you will learn about the strain and how it responds to topping at this stage.

Good luck :weed::peace::)
Yep, I've done it many times on purpose, but it's best to do it before flowering if you ask me.

I'm not talking about autos though.