Right wing social media app.. parler

Your candidate just tweeted a video of his supporters yelling white power and praised them for it, dipshit


Just thought of a pretty cool app, where gay people can type words and they came out pronounced with lisps, so we can read what you say and hear to ourselves exactly how you sound, pretty cool eh?
Ever since I caught spec9 in a Lie, and than with Tangerine, asked if basically anybody in here was honest, Uncle Buck has been waiting for anything I say that he can twist into a lie. So he can go SEE SEE SEE..lol. Keep trying, because those are REAL WEAK.
You never caught anyone in a lie and I only decided to start counting your lies last night

Why do you lie so much?

Just thought of a pretty cool app, where gay people can type words and they came out pronounced with lisps, so we can read what you say and hear to ourselves exactly how you sound, pretty cool eh?
Are you just trying to remind everyone that you support a pedophile?

You never caught anyone in a lie and I only decided to start counting your lies last night

Why do you lie so much?


Yup, uncle buck lying again. Lets not play this stupid game, though that seems to be your thing, stupid games.
You mean Biden, who has been photographed more times than not, fondling young girls. You mean THAT pedophile?
No, he was just being affectionate

The guy you support bragged about creeping in on unsuspecting naked underage girls

You tried to lie about it last night, pedolover


Let's play a game everybody, Uncle buck you welcomed to join along, It's called get off the computer and get a life. Ready one, two, three GO!
Lets face it, Barack was the perfect candidate for Biden to gloss over his racists past. He's only half black so Biden saw enough white him that he didn't consider him "those people".
Is that what you trolls are going to try to get to stick on Biden, basically the 'I'm rubber you're glue' troll?

lol you working too hard for a turd.
Just thought of a pretty cool app, where gay people can type words and they came out pronounced with lisps, so we can read what you say and hear to ourselves exactly how you sound, pretty cool eh?
You really are cruising for a piece of ass, aren't you? Come on out of the closet man. Being gay is OK now.
Found a video of UncleBuck in a lovers quarrel after he took his RUI pic, lolol. Now I know why he's obsessed with the word incel,lolol.

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