Possible to fix them? If so what can i do please?Poor drainage.
Real question is are they over watered or under watered? The soil is super dry? Please help.They look kinda water droopy sad... The bigger ones in the background are starting too as well.
I actually saved them lol. They were unerwateredUsually dark green, droopy leaves are a symptom of overwatering. I like to poke 3 holes in my cups and add a 1cm layer of perlite at the bottom to improve drainage.
By the way, these look big enough that they should be transplanted. Good luck, I hope they survive.
I actually saved them lol. They were unerwatered
It's okay after some research and feeling the leafs i was able to figure it out and acted fast. Truly a blessing they are coming back to me!Nice, they look a lot healthier now. And sorry for offering the wrong advice... they looked overwatered to me!