Hanna pH meter


Well-Known Member
Anyone got any ideas on what to use out there other than what has been posted so far???????????????????????????????
How about a pH meter and ppm meter that isnt made by Hanna!?!? Anyone?
I'm still havin' problems with mine and its just a basic Hanna pH meter.
I dont even know what my fuckin' pH really is at this point!
I check my resi and pH is a little low so I add some pH up and it reads lower the next time I test!!!!!!!!!! WTF!
So I figured fuck it before I really screw something up to just stop and hope my plants like what they get until tomorrow when I can get something else that actually works!

Please Please Please help me out here I need something that works. . .thanks everyone

happy tokin'
When I check my res each day the PH is high so i add some PH down and recheck it in 30 mins later, if its still a bit high I add some more and come back in another 30 mins. this keeps happening until the PH is at the correct #. The next day i do the same thing. Guess what? I have to do it every day, its normal for the PH to keep climbing as the plants use nutrients and water. Each week I also Calibrate my Meter with PH4 and PH7 solutions. That way i know my readings are correct. Sometimes at the end of the week the plants have used up most of the nutes and the PH starts to go down so it needs PH up, needs up each day until I replace the res water.


Well-Known Member
Hey NoDrama...

What water are you using?

Tap water is notorious for fluctuating pH levels...

I was about to say the same thing and I don't wanna have to adj that often I dont have the time or patience well maybe patience but time I dont and I haven't heard of too many people having to do that for very long they eventually find something stable. Stable is what Im after I like to keep busy but that seems too much wasted time and pH flex doesnt it? I posted about pH jump in another thread and most answers said get better pH up and pH down and it shouldnt flex so much. . .hope that helps