Mysterious condition dubbed 'scromiting' hits weed smokers across the US

the shit lasts forever, i flatly won't use it. i'll rely on spinosad, and pyrethin in veg for really tough cases.
and i'm not convinced it's at all good for you, the one time i used it, it sure seemed like the weed wasn't nearly as effective at controlling my stomach problems.
I think you are onto something, especially with respect to your stomach problems. An overdose makes you puke so it stands to reason.

It has a great deal of persistence, especially indoors.

I'm going to look more carefully at spinosad.
A mysterious condition dubbed 'scromiting' hits weed smokers

across the US and causes them to vomit AND scream

'Scromiting' is becoming an all-too-familiar site at emergency rooms hospitals

The condition, called Cannabinoid Hyperemesis Syndrome (CHS), is not yet properly understood

Medical experts believe the symptoms appear from individuals

using or consuming heavy amounts of marijuana over a long period of time

Doctors note that the condition could stem from the body being over saturated

by cannabinoids, affecting the hypothalamus

Chronic cannabis users are at risk of experiencing a horrifying new condition that is being reported at hospitals

across the United States where marijuana is legal.

'Scromiting,' doctors say, is becoming an all-too-familiar site at emergency rooms

, with patients 'screaming and vomiting' as they turn up for help.

The condition, called Cannabinoid Hyperemesis Syndrome (CHS), is not properly understood

but medical experts believe the symptoms appear from individuals using

or consuming heavy amounts of marijuana over a long period of time.

'Scromiting' is becoming an all-too-familiar site at emergency rooms hospitals across the country

'I've screamed out for death,' Chalfonte LeNee Queen, 48, told NPR after experiencing the terrifying illness.

'I've cried out for my mom, who's been dead for 20 years, mentally not realizing she can't come to me.'

Little research has been conducted on the topic, but one study found that for scromiting to occur,

cannabis users would have to consume marijuana three to five times per day to develop CHS.

Doctors note that the condition could stem from the body being over saturated by cannabinoids,

affecting the hypothalamus.

'In one study the average duration of cannabis use prior to onset of recurrent vomiting was... 3.4 years,'

the National Center for Biotechnology Information report added.

‘The syndrome was first described in 2004 by Allen and colleagues and is characterized by chronic cannabis

use, cyclic episodes of nausea and vomiting, and the learned behavior of hot bathing,’ doctors wrote.

Medical experts note that the condition could stem from the body being over saturated by cannabinoids -

chemical compounds that acts on cannabinoid receptors located in the brain.

The build up of the cannabinoids, doctors believe, affect the function of the hypothalamus,

which regulates digestion and body temperature.

According to the NCBI: ‘Often mistakenly called Cyclical Vomiting Syndrome,

Cannabinoid Hyperemesis Syndrome is a rare form of cannabinoid toxicity that develops in chronic smokers.'

‘It’s characterized by cyclic episodes of debilitating nausea and vomiting.

People who suffer from the syndrome often find that hot showers relieve their symptoms,

and will compulsively bathe during episodes of nausea and vomiting.

Symptoms stop after cessation of cannabis use.’

Medical experts believe the symptoms appear from individuals

using or consuming heavy amounts of marijuana over a long period of time.

This is garbage in my opinion. As a long term patient and heavy smoker for almost 20 years, i have neither experienced this nor witnessed this anywhere, ever. This isn't to say it doesn't occur because I haven't observed it, of course not, but I believe that issues such as these have common origins that can be dealt with via proper education and guidance.

You have to take into account the fact that A) marijuana is much, much more potent than it was even 10 years ago, with THC levels averaging above 20-25%, compared to as low as 3% in some early strains 20 years ago. This causes a phenomenon to occur where humans encounter a new ailment, one that is made up of familiar elements, but manifests with a different combination, this creating new medical complications. B) the availability and ever-growing popularity of concentrates and vapors, dabs and oils, the problem comes from lack of empirical, scientific data that provides the information we need to keep consumers safe. Instead, what has happened is the millennial generation has applied it's immediate-gratification mentality to marijuana consumption as well, overlooking the bubbling issues that actually do occur with marijuana consumption. That's simply because the human body was not designed, in any way, shape or form, to consume smoke. (Hence the creation of marinol and things like edibles). But even so, we've not taken the proper precautions, documenting and categorizing relief for ailments and issues we encounter with Marijuana.

These things will happen, but I don't know how valid these individual cases may be. Still, if it's possible, we need to know about it so that when they come to take the right of consumption away or they fight over your ability to use marijuana as an adult, we have the ammunition and preparation behind us to deal with it effectively, and see to it that it works out in our favor. Ultimately, this issue is ubiquitous: it's socioeconomic, political, medical, personal, public health and safety, legal, cultural, and even religious, so get it right and we will thrive and contribute something great to humankind, but get it wrong and we risk damaging an entire generation in myriad ways that create a worse outcome for our children than for us simply because we failed to do what should have been done to begin with.

J Obadiah
As I said above, it's most likely from the misuse of neem oil concentrates such as Azamax and Azatrol.
you know I add cold pressed neem oil (Azedectin) to my cooking....curries

as well as millions of indians do too

no side effects so far

that I know off other than blathering the advantages
ith THC levels averaging above 20-25%, compared to as low as 3% in some early strains 20 years ago

Bullshit. Actually, bullshit mixed with piss, mixed with vomit, and mixed with rotten cabbage and spoiled milk.

The only 3% weed that was around years back was stem chopping that had been put through a bubble hash wash.

You can still find and grow the same landrace strains that were around then, and they will get to 20% easily. And if you trust modern testing labs to give you an honest analysis of growers strains, you are in line for a trump university degree. In CA, lab's are allowed to have an accuracy of +/- 20%. How accurate do you think they are when growers will flock to labs who give higher results?

So drop the BS that weed is more potent today. It was plenty potent back in the 70's, unless you were buying lawn clippings.
you know I add cold pressed neem oil (Azedectin) to my cooking....curries

as well as millions of indians do too

no side effects so far

that I know off other than blathering the advantages
Neem oil by itself isn't so bad in small quantities. The concentrates are just that- concentrated. I'm sure no one uses those in their cooking.
Neem oil by itself isn't so bad in small quantities. The concentrates are just that- concentrated. I'm sure no one uses those in their cooking.
concentrated what ...I resent being called a liar by a friend here at riu...go figure
I suffer from this and may have 2 give up I dont wanna believe its weed but dam I stoed smoking n shit symptoms stop I will ad I mix with tobacco and am wondering if that is playing a role just had my 1st ciggie after a week since recovering after this bout n I am getting pains n kinda feel a tad neuseus im curios as 2 what other facters there may be like being dehydrated and sutch
Azamax and Azatrol are concentrated from neem oil.

Pretty sure it's a lab made synthetic replica of natural neem oil

People have been talking about this as a possible cause of this "mermaid" syndrome for quite some time now. People are calling it this because the sick personal doesn't want to get out of the shower because it's the only relief.
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Im Scromiting right now "British Tabloids suck"

Marijuana effects hypothalamus however, thats known in medical studies. Maybe what they are trying to exploit.
@HydroRed and @chemphlegm, you guys are both wrong.
This is real, and it happens to some people, but not to all. Try to use your brains here and not your blind love of cannabis.
Just like vaccines, most are not affected, but the small percentage that are....ARE!!!
It has nothing to do with some chemical that was sprayed on, it's THC!
It builds up from long term use. THC stays in the system much longer than any other drug. So when you are saturated for too long, this is what happens to the sensitive individuals.
Cannabis does affect many body functions, and binds with receptors in many different parts of the body.
A break from smoking is all that's needed to cleanse the body. Then one can resume smoking.
And if you have ever had to stop for a drug test for a job, then you are cleaned, and it most likely won't affect you. But if you have never stopped smoking since you started, then you have never had it out if your system.
Yes , cannabis affectsthe hypothalamus, as it is easy to tell that after you smoke, you temperature is regulated(it helps me stop sweating), and digestion. So if too much too long these systems might need to reboot so to speak to return to homeostasis.
Hopefully you can comprehend this, and open your eyes to this!?!
Any substance that is over used will become a problem eventually!
I was scromiting yesterday ( screaming vomiting at the same time) Horrible and scary cuz i was trying to breath. So I went to the hospital this morning and after the blood test, heart test, uring test, ultrasound, everything turned out healthy. She looked at and she told me it`s cannabis. I almost slapped her for that. I had 5 min to calm down and then I apologized and said i`m no doctor i`m open ears. Fuck me she hit it right on the nail. I was surprised to hear such a thing. My 20's 100% consumption chronic. i`m my 30's 0% intake since my work required piss test in the oil sands. now i`ve been smoking for 2 years straight 2oz a month just for myself. And this shit happen. I do wish it on my enemies cuz it`s a fucking bitch to over come. Your in bed all day. Hot shower or bath takes it away but as soon your out of the shower it comes again. My doctor prescribed me CAPSAISIN CREME 1% on my abdomen.
This shit is so vicious that i`m scared to smoke a bowl.
You know, I was watching this video recently of people who are suffering from arsenic poisoning due to their weed being sprayed...
I'm just saying maybe the weed was tainted at some point and you suffered damage as a result?
I experienced CHS and it`s fucking nasty. I only purchase legal cannabis in stores here in Canada. And over here everything is regulated to such high degree it`s retarded. Shit we can`t have hydroguard or any miccorhizae products in Canada. So I would rule out that theorie. IMO
I experienced CHS and it`s fucking nasty. I only purchase legal cannabis in stores here in Canada. And over here everything is regulated to such high degree it`s retarded. Shit we can`t have hydroguard or any miccorhizae products in Canada. So I would rule out that theorie. IMO
Couple issues there.
1) multiple LPs have been caught using illegal pesticides etc. Buds have failed testing.
2) u can 100% get mycorrhizae in canada

Only bud you can trust is bud grown by yourself. And even then, there are a lot of sketchy ‘approved’ products out there still.
You guys are smoking poisonous weed ,never in 30 plus years have I heard of this and know many growers & users , I would never use or buy any weed from LPs and unknown growers god knows what you guys are putting in your lungs wow