What has Trump done to this country?


Well-Known Member
Trump appears to have thrown in the towel. Although he doesn't care or even realize that he's completely destroyed the US in all aspects, he has realized that he himself has become the planet's laughing stock, and doesn't like it.

"Joe Biden is going to be president because some people don’t love me, maybe.” -Donald Trump

We all know full well that when Trump doesn't get his adoration, he loses all interest which is what I believe is happening here.
if i were him, i'd be tending to my exit strategy.


Well-Known Member
what's wrong with you?:wall:
I am thanking all the "Canadians" for shitting on the US. All of the so-called "Canadians" who spend days on end shitting on a neighbor country, thanks!!! So generous and "Canadian" of them to shit on us.


Well-Known Member
I am thanking all the "Canadians" for shitting on the US. All of the so-called "Canadians" who spend days on end shitting on a neighbor country, thanks!!! So generous and "Canadian" of them to shit on us.
Are you upset that Canadians know more about your country than the majority of your fellow citizens?


Well-Known Member
Now this should be interesting, if yer not curious you're not alive! I predict it will go very badly for Donald, I wonder when we'll get our first peek.

The Supreme Court decision on Trump's tax records just became more urgent than ever

(CNN)Reports that the Russians bribed the Taliban with bounties for killing US service members were stunning -- and not just because of the alleged targeting of American soldiers, but because the Trump administration apparently did nothing to retaliate against Russia.

The White House insists that President Donald Trump was never briefed on the intelligence reports -- begging the question why, if true, that could be the case. However, on Tuesday night, the New York Times reported that President Trump had, indeed, been briefed on the Russian bounties in February -- three months before he unilaterally offered to invite Russia to the G7 meetings.
At the very least, it fits a long pattern of Trump and his team avoiding confrontation with Vladimir Putin, despite constant provocations.

It also provides just the latest, most urgent, example of why so much rides on the Supreme Court's decision on whether Trump's taxes and business records can be turned over to members of the House of Representatives and the New York district attorney. The ruling is expected this week.
This is perhaps the most closely watched Supreme Court decision of this session, with massive implications for the separation of powers and the ability of American voters to make a fully informed decision in the November presidential election.

Trump has, of course, broken with decades of precedent in refusing to release his tax returns, often making up phony excuses for why he can't do it (among them, that he is subject to what would be the longest tax audit in recorded history). The truth is that he's done everything possible to avoid showing his finances to the American people, with Attorney General Bill Barr's Department of Justice now acting like the President's personal lawyer.


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If you don't get a pregnancy test, you won't be pregnant. If we don't have border patrol agents, we won't have illegal border crossings. If I don't show you my school transcripts, I'm a genius. If I don't show my tax returns, I'm a billionaire. If I never back up my claims, they're true. If I close my eyes, nobody can see me. If I don't read the PDB, I wasn't briefed. If I repeat a lie enough times, it becomes truth. Many people say.


Well-Known Member
One of the head guys from the LP was on NPR this week. He said the ad buys on Foxnews in DC was aimed at 45. And from the tweets that followed, he must have seen them.

Note: to all that don't know, the LP is folks inside the GOP trying to save their party.
I think they are mostly former republicans, the party has been poisoned beyond recovery, see the most recent candidate the base vomited up, she was too nuts even for Trump!


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Pompeo's Pathetic Press Conference on Russian Bounties on US Troops Contains NO Criticism of Putin

Mike Pompeo gives a press conference to address the blockbuster revelation that Putin/Russia put bounties on the heads of US troops. Further reporting disclosed electronic money transfers between Russian-military-controlled bank accounts to Taliban-controlled bank accounts. During the press conference, Pompeo FAILS to call out Putin or Russia. Rather, he downplays, deflects and blame-shifts. He blames Congress, Iran, the Obama administration - everyone BUT Putin. In fact, Pompeo does not even utter Putin's name. Pompeo's pathetic performance and complete abdication of his responsibility to condemn Russia and stand up for our troops makes it clear that Pompeo should resign.


Well-Known Member
Russia has the RNC emails from 2016 and never released them, also all during the Ukrainian affair they were recording phone calls and bugging places like hotel rooms in Ukraine, etc. The Russians probably have a mountain of evidence against all of the top Trump officials involved like Pence, Barr, Pompeo and others. The Russians own the RNC and the Trump administration, they can blackmail them at will and most probably realise it, Donald sucked them all into treason. Not just Trump, but the republican party is all in for Russia and are leaving the door open for them in 2020, they want a loophole for Trump and the Russians. A presidential candidate doesn't have to report foreign interference, according to the GOP loophole, that they absolutely insist on being in the legislation, why would they want something like that?