I believe this is just a foretaste of what is to come for the GOP senate, as Donald leads them charging over the cliff and into the abyss, screaming on fire all the way down to the cobbs of Hell. Covid has just started in on the red states in a big way, most of the 50,000 cases a day are in red southern states and projections are a 100,000 a day soon. The democrats in congress have yet to put any real heat on these cocksuckers for this, the rope they are going to hang themselves with is reeling out at high speed. If Nancy hits the brakes, their heads will pop off and the whole fucking scaffold might come crashing down around them. Oversight is coming and perhaps impeachment too, it is too good an opportunity to lash the fuckers to the mast of the Trumptanic as it goes down, if the rats jump ship the base will eat them like sharks. Nancy wants as many of those GOP senate seats as she can get, get enough and you can get your agenda through. You don't need many to come up with 66 either, not after the new year, those left and facing election in 2020, might evolve a new attitude.
Democrats Lead Republicans In Three Key Senate Races | Morning Joe | MSNBC
Democratic candidates are currently leading Republican candidates in three Senate races, according to polling.