Underwatered Flowering Plants


Active Member
Only one of them seems to be badly affected by the under watering, it seemed to happen SO quickly, like overnight and they looked horrible in the morning. I also see a lot of yellowing leaves which is worrying too. I’ll probably give them a little Cal Mag and that will be fine, but I hope the plant with all the dry leaves will be okay and snap back somewhat. I gave them all liquid seaweed and fox farm bloom when I noticed. Any suggestions are appreciated



Well-Known Member
Unlike overwatering, It’s really hard to kill a plant by under watering.They should snap right back if that the only problem. The yellow leave will not recover. Either pull the,or they will fall by themselves soon enough.


Active Member
Unlike overwatering, It’s really hard to kill a plant by under watering.They should snap right back if that the only problem. The yellow leave will not recover. Either pull the,or they will fall by themselves soon enough.
You don’t think that one could hermie do you? It’s looking a little better today but not by much. I’m wondering if it’ll actually finish flowering too


Well-Known Member
Really doesn’t look too bad. Ive seen plant pics posted here with buds and no leaves on them at all. The damaged leaves won’t get better so you could clean things up to make yourself feel better.


Well-Known Member
You don’t think that one could hermie do you? It’s looking a little better today but not by much. I’m wondering if it’ll actually finish flowering too
They should be fine, if they hermie from drying out, they were prob gonna hermie regardless. I wouldnt make it a habit of allowing them to dry, but once or twice shouldnt cause many long term issues.

Like @Merlin1147 said, the shit leaves wont improve to look better, you can remove them so things look better or allow them to fall off naturally which is inevitable.