Quote of the Day:


Well-Known Member
I made my own company from nothing. Competing against “white males” that did get privileged just because their last name. My work and talent made me successful, not bitching and crying. Those same white dudes respect me now and call me for help. Earn it pussy don’t cry.
That 12¢ per post buys a lot of krokodil. You should issue common stock.


Well-Known Member
Dude's like a teenage girl with his emoticons....probably saw the movie...lol.
Actually I did. It wasn’t as good as I thought it would be but my daughter loved it. See that’s what you do for women in your life you love and admire. You do things for them. You should try it sometime. It feels good actually.


Well-Known Member
I made my own company from nothing. Competing against “white males” that did get privileged just because their last name. My work and talent made me successful, not bitching and crying. Those same white dudes respect me now and call me for help. Earn it pussy don’t cry.
Extremely cool story


Well-Known Member
Lol nice try. We know you like how it feels coming out.
This is all you got? No wonder you need their help! And BTW most of the people you are arguing with I have blocked. But the enemy of my enemy is my friend I guess. Trump told me that