Pandemic 2020

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Look @RunningAmok .... We don’t like laughing at blithering idiots that discount the pandemic as a hoax , we embrace you .
You give us proof , that inbreeding among your relatives gives an insight we can’t have. So hold your chin up , Show America you stand strong in your pee pants , be proud in supporting your buffoon of a president.

So much winning , right ?

Lick a handrail , toilet seat or your fellow pee pant soaked brethren........ MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN !
Figured I would celebrate the 4th .... my way . Told grand kids they will thank me when they get older.
I celebrate each day im not sucking on a ventilator or selling plasma to eat. May this be the LAST 4th of July under the orange regime.
Maybe one day all us growers can round table some shit .... that would be nice. And put the trolls at the kids table.

Beer , Bongs and Blunts .... Happy 4th .

I think a good nickname for Trump might be, Groundhog day Donald, he keeps repeating mistakes over and over, cannot learn from the most obvious of things and cannot foresee or discounts future consequences to a pathological degree.

I was thinking King Corona or King Covid. ;-)
Figured I would celebrate the 4th .... my way . Told grand kids they will thank me when they get older.
I celebrate each day im not sucking on a ventilator or selling plasma to eat. May this be the LAST 4th of July under the orange regime.
Maybe one day all us growers can round table some shit .... that would be nice. And put the trolls at the kids table.

Beer , Bongs and Blunts .... Happy 4th .

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Turn the balloons upside-down for maximum effect ;)
Look @RunningAmok .... We don’t like laughing at blithering idiots that discount the pandemic as a hoax , we embrace you .
You give us proof , that inbreeding among your relatives gives an insight we can’t have. So hold your chin up , Show America you stand strong in your pee pants , be proud in supporting your buffoon of a president.

So much winning , right ?

Lick a handrail , toilet seat or your fellow pee pant soaked brethren........ MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN !
The only idiots are people like you falling for the mask propaganda and regurgitating mainstream media propaganda! That goes for Fox and CNN! Again how complicated is to understand the mask don't work cause the holes are too big? It's like putting a chain link fence up to block a mosquitto. The virus is real but just an overhyped flu virus. Never shut the country down for SARS or Ebola. It's called common sense monkey boy! Using your own mind! BLM all of sudden being the only ones that werent required to wear the mask by the hypocritical governors. When people were getting arrested not wearing the mask for protesting the lock down. The mayors and governors sang a different tune. Covid 19 is poltical bs. Whenever some dick in a store tells me to wear a mask, I tell him I have asthma and tell them to go fuck off. And guess what it legally exempts from your bs mask! And in fact if they keep on pushing you can sue them! And thats what I'm gonna continue to do slave mask boy! Oh make sure to take Billy Boys rushed vaccine with tons of side effects and see what happens! Hope you droll out your mouth like brain damaged sheep! People like you are gonna get what you deserve for trusting these so called philantriptist!
The only idiots are people like you falling for the mask propaganda and regurgitating mainstream media propaganda! That goes for Fox and CNN! Again how complicated is to understand the mask don't work cause the holes are too big? It's like putting a chain link fence up to block a mosquitto. The virus is real but just an overhyped flu virus. Never shut the country down for SARS or Ebola. It's called common sense monkey boy! Using your own mind! BLM all of sudden being the only ones that werent required to wear the mask by the hypocritical governors. When people were getting arrested not wearing the mask for protesting the lock down. The mayors and governors sang a different tune. Covid 19 is poltical bs. Whenever some dick in a store tells me to wear a mask, I tell him I have asthma and tell them to go fuck off. And guess what it legally exempts from your bs mask! And in fact if they keep on pushing you can sue them! And thats what I'm gonna continue to do slave mask boy! Oh make sure to take Billy Boys rushed vaccine with tons of side effects and see what happens! Hope you droll out your mouth like brain damaged sheep! People like you are gonna get what you deserve for trusting these so called philantriptist!
Big data will identify you, when Americans are done with Trump and realise the magnitude of betrayal, they will be looking for those who supported and empowered him, his fellow traitors, people like you. They will be dragging your kind out of the closet and burning your houses to the ground for years to come, there is blood on your hands. Big data, lot's of liberals and patriots know how to use it, you are now a national security threat and will be treated as such. Happy new year asshole.
The Consequences of Attending a Trump rally - Stories from a Super-spreader

We're learning about the public health fallout from Trump's Tulsa rally. Undeterred, and ignoring the guidelines published by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Trump doubles down on another event, this one at Mount Rushmore.
Big data will identify you, when Americans are done with Trump and realise the magnitude of betrayal, they will be looking for those who supported and empowered him, his fellow traitors, people like you. They will be dragging your kind out of the closet and burning your houses to the ground for years to come, there is blood on your hands. Big data, lot's of liberals and patriots know how to use it, you are now a national security threat and will be treated as such. Happy new year asshole.
I'd love to try to see one thos BLM fuckers try to burn my house down. I'm armed to the teeth you retard!
The only idiots are people like you falling for the mask propaganda and regurgitating mainstream media propaganda! That goes for Fox and CNN! Again how complicated is to understand the mask don't work cause the holes are too big? It's like putting a chain link fence up to block a mosquitto. The virus is real but just an overhyped flu virus. Never shut the country down for SARS or Ebola. It's called common sense monkey boy! Using your own mind! BLM all of sudden being the only ones that werent required to wear the mask by the hypocritical governors. When people were getting arrested not wearing the mask for protesting the lock down. The mayors and governors sang a different tune. Covid 19 is poltical bs. Whenever some dick in a store tells me to wear a mask, I tell him I have asthma and tell them to go fuck off. And guess what it legally exempts from your bs mask! And in fact if they keep on pushing you can sue them! And thats what I'm gonna continue to do slave mask boy! Oh make sure to take Billy Boys rushed vaccine with tons of side effects and see what happens! Hope you droll out your mouth like brain damaged sheep! People like you are gonna get what you deserve for trusting these so called philantriptist!
Can’t suck trumps dick if you’re wearing a mask
The only idiots are people like you falling for the mask propaganda and regurgitating mainstream media propaganda! That goes for Fox and CNN! Again how complicated is to understand the mask don't work cause the holes are too big? It's like putting a chain link fence up to block a mosquitto. The virus is real but just an overhyped flu virus. Never shut the country down for SARS or Ebola. It's called common sense monkey boy! Using your own mind! BLM all of sudden being the only ones that werent required to wear the mask by the hypocritical governors. When people were getting arrested not wearing the mask for protesting the lock down. The mayors and governors sang a different tune. Covid 19 is poltical bs. Whenever some dick in a store tells me to wear a mask, I tell him I have asthma and tell them to go fuck off. And guess what it legally exempts from your bs mask! And in fact if they keep on pushing you can sue them! And thats what I'm gonna continue to do slave mask boy! Oh make sure to take Billy Boys rushed vaccine with tons of side effects and see what happens! Hope you droll out your mouth like brain damaged sheep! People like you are gonna get what you deserve for trusting these so called philantriptist!
One idiotic thing at a time please. This wall of text is so annoying when you cram in a million different pieces of propaganda.

1. Masks stop the majority of the bulk material from having a free pass to everything within several feet from you. It is about helping to not spread if/when you catch this virus. This helps others to have a reduced risk of touching/inhaling what you might be passing onto them.

2. It is killing far more people and that was with the lockdown that has shown to have worked in other countries.

3. BLM was a protest, it is not the cult death rallies that Trump is using to whip up hate, fear, and racism.

4. So you are a dick that doesn't understand that the people you're yelling at are at a super high risk, and that assholes like yourself put them and their families in even more danger.
One idiotic thing at a time please. This wall of text is so annoying when you cram in a million different pieces of propaganda.

1. Masks stop the majority of the bulk material from having a free pass to everything within several feet from you. It is about helping to not spread if/when you catch this virus. This helps others to have a reduced risk of touching/inhaling what you might be passing onto them.

2. It is killing far more people and that was with the lockdown that has shown to have worked in other countries.

3. BLM was a protest, it is not the cult death rallies that Trump is using to whip up hate, fear, and racism.

4. So you are a dick that doesn't understand that the people you're yelling at are at a super high risk, and that assholes like yourself put them and their families in even more danger.
Good post but I don’t think your friend is going to appreciate it as much as I did.
One idiotic thing at a time please. This wall of text is so annoying when you cram in a million different pieces of propaganda.

1. Masks stop the majority of the bulk material from having a free pass to everything within several feet from you. It is about helping to not spread if/when you catch this virus. This helps others to have a reduced risk of touching/inhaling what you might be passing onto them.

2. It is killing far more people and that was with the lockdown that has shown to have worked in other countries.

3. BLM was a protest, it is not the cult death rallies that Trump is using to whip up hate, fear, and racism.

4. So you are a dick that doesn't understand that the people you're yelling at are at a super high risk, and that assholes like yourself put them and their families in even more danger.
Of course the numbers are up asshole the test pick up every corna virus in the last 20 years. Its not looking exactly for the covid19 version. Anyone that was infected with any of the cornoa virus family in last 20 years can give a false positive. The test have alot of admitted problems. They also were counting people who died from car accidents and said they died from covid19 cause they tested postive. The regular flu kills 100,000s people a year. No fucking reason to shut down the country other than political clown show that you fell for!
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