What has Trump done to this country?

The year was 2016, and it was just 2 weeks until the Iowa caucuses and shithead Donald J Trump was the Republican frontrunner, and he was, well, confident about his chances and being prophetic about how he would be treated during his tenure as POTUS

“I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, and I wouldn't lose any voters, OK?” Trump said mimicking firing a gun with his fingers, at a campaign stop in Iowa. “It’s, like, incredible.”

But now Biden supporters are co-opting the joke on Twitter, for their own amusement, even jokingly offering to take a bullet themselves in a sign of just how passionate the November election is shaping up to be.

“Joe Biden could shoot me in the middle of 5th Avenue & I would apologize to him for using up one of his bullets and then I would crawl on my hands & knees thru invected proven class to the polling place to vote for him on Nov. 3 [sic],” wrote @rmertel.

In reply, @PattysYorkie tweeted, “I may have a hard time doing all of that, I’m a little old. But I’ll be damned if I wouldn’t try!”

“Joe Biden could shoot me on 5th Avenue & I would ask the ambulance to drop me off at the polls,” wrote @maryruthedk.

“Joe Biden could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot Joe Biden and I’d still vote for him,” added @if_you_see_kaye.

This is 2020 now (time flies, right? ) & I really doubt Donny Boy would even feel safe walking on 5th Ave in NYC without the SS to protect him.
Just imagine that, in your own fucking hometown you fucking despised, and that is the case in New York.
Forever and ever he will never be welcomed in NYC
That is one of the things that makes me smile & gives me hope, knowing that all the people he craves attention from, the elites so too speak, can't stand him & all he has left for support are the dregs of American society.
Are you happy now Donny Boy, you pathetic pile of shite?

Joe Biden could shove a red hot poker up Trump's asshole on 5th avenue and wouldn't lose a vote, but would probably get a big increase in donations. Or, Joe Biden could send Donald Trump and a thousand of his minions to prison for life and not lose a vote, that's the one that burns Donald's ass the most. After Jan 20th Donald is due to become America's biggest loser and every dirty deed he has done in the last 20 years will be exposed. He is the quintessential empty suit, a phony, a fake and a fraud, a simple minded moron hiding out in plain sight, if he wasn't born with a silver spoon in his mouth he'd starve, if he wasn't in prison.

I predict, if he lives, he will be quickly indicted after Jan 20th and will be before a judge in a week, a week later he will have a gag order slapped on him, a week after that the judge will jail him for violating it. When his trial arrives (quickly cause he will be in jail) they will have to tie him to a chair and ball gag him in an orange jumpsuit on national TV. He might have a stroke or the big one as he squirms tied to his chair mumbling with his eyes bugged out. Trust me, it will be first rate TV, historic stuff, I know you'll love it so much, you'll watch it cold sober and have the time of your life... :D
Joe Biden could shove a red hot poker up Trump's asshole on 5th avenue and wouldn't lose a vote, but would probably get a big increase in donations. Or, Joe Biden could send Donald Trump and a thousand of his minions to prison for life and not lose a vote, that's the one that burns Donald's ass the most. After Jan 20th Donald is due to become America's biggest loser and every dirty deed he has done in the last 20 years will be exposed. He is the quintessential empty suit, a phony, a fake and a fraud, a simple minded moron hiding out in plain sight, if he wasn't born with a silver spoon in his mouth he'd starve, if he wasn't in prison.

I predict, if he lives, he will be quickly indicted after Jan 20th and will be before a judge in a week, a week later he will have a gag order slapped on him, a week after that the judge will jail him for violating it. When his trial arrives (quickly cause he will be in jail) they will have to tie him to a chair and ball gag him in an orange jumpsuit on national TV. He might have a stroke or the big one as he squirms tied to his chair mumbling with his eyes bugged out. Trust me, it will be first rate TV, historic stuff, I know you'll love it so much, you'll watch it cold sober and have the time of your life... :D
Did you get my "Rosebud" analogy, which was that you can hope all you want, but what you end up with at the end of the day, that is reality, and in the case of Donald J Trump he will end up being the most reviled man in the History of the fucking Planet Earth (next to Hitler possibly) not just the USA.
He is fucking HATED by a shitload more people than can even stand him, & I know simply that has too be eating him up alive from the inside out, which gives me great solace.
Once he's out of office in January, his life is fucking over.
He'll probably get divorced & all/most of his close friends will be/are in jail & the one's left probably wouldn't want too be even seen with him.
His feeble attempt at life, for all the ambition & grandiose embellishments that he thought meant something has all been for naught, and he knows it & I know it :)

Thinking of that cunt Trump this poem comes too mind, because arrogance can be/is one's worse enemy

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Did you get my "Rosebud" analogy, which was that you can hope all you want, but what you end up with at the end of the day, that is reality, and in the case of Donald J Trump he will end up being the most reviled man in the History of the fucking Planet Earth (next to Hitler possibly) not just the USA.
He is fucking HATED by a shitload more people than can even stand him, & I know simply that has too be eating him up alive from the inside out, which gives me great solace.
Once he's out of office in January, his life is fucking over.
He'll probably get divorced & all/most of his close friends will be/are in jail & the one's left probably wouldn't want too be even seen with him.
His feeble attempt at life, for all the ambition & grandiose embellishments that he thought meant something has all been for naught, and he knows it & I know it :)

Thinking of that cunt Trump this poem comes too mind, because arrogance can be/is one's worse enemy

Citizen Trump...
Joe Biden could shove a red hot poker up Trump's asshole on 5th avenue and wouldn't lose a vote, but would probably get a big increase in donations. Or, Joe Biden could send Donald Trump and a thousand of his minions to prison for life and not lose a vote, that's the one that burns Donald's ass the most. After Jan 20th Donald is due to become America's biggest loser and every dirty deed he has done in the last 20 years will be exposed. He is the quintessential empty suit, a phony, a fake and a fraud, a simple minded moron hiding out in plain sight, if he wasn't born with a silver spoon in his mouth he'd starve, if he wasn't in prison.

I predict, if he lives, he will be quickly indicted after Jan 20th and will be before a judge in a week, a week later he will have a gag order slapped on him, a week after that the judge will jail him for violating it. When his trial arrives (quickly cause he will be in jail) they will have to tie him to a chair and ball gag him in an orange jumpsuit on national TV. He might have a stroke or the big one as he squirms tied to his chair mumbling with his eyes bugged out. Trust me, it will be first rate TV, historic stuff, I know you'll love it so much, you'll watch it cold sober and have the time of your life... :D
What a fucking fool! Andrew Jackson is supposed to be his favourite president. Me thinks he’s not read a book about him. Or about anything else for that matter.
He says of Frederick Douglass (1818-1895); "an example of somebody who's done an amazing job and is being recognized more and more." That coming from a "very stable genius." AKA Stable Boy, good at mucking out stables. "Why Johnny Can't Read"-by Rudolph Flesch (1955)
He says of Frederick Douglass (1818-1895); "an example of somebody who's done an amazing job and is being recognized more and more." That coming from a "very stable genius." AKA Stable Boy, good at mucking out stables. "Why Johnny Can't Read"-by Rudolph Flesch (1955)
To get Donald to do a day's work you'd have to stand over him with a shotgun in one hand and a whip in the other. Your whip arm would be mighty sore at the end of the day and by day two ya might just use the shotgun and save yer arm.
Who would have thought America would need a presidential shock collar, remotely triggered by someone like Fauci. Maybe it could even end tweets as Donald goes down thrashing on the floor mid tweet. Yep, the presidential control commision, a temporary body whose chairman would hold the remote...

Donald's head would look like a charcoal barbeque brick in a week and he'd lose 30 pounds from all the bucking and thrashing he'd be doing.
Five years ago if you had told me I would be managing a crew of Teamsters and that three of them would be loudly arguing with me that all kinds of socialism are bad, I would have told you to put down the meff pipe.

Now its just my Friday.

Earlier in the week several were talking about BLM and saying "did you notice that the only people who need special rights are people incapable of achieving things on their own"? I told them that they shouldn't talk about the Teamsters like that. They were quick to explain that they didn't mean the Teamsters, they meant affirmative action. They are in a tizzy since a neighboring city lent us a black driver.
Five years ago if you had told me I would be managing a crew of Teamsters and that three of them would be loudly arguing with me that all kinds of socialism are bad, I would have told you to put down the meff pipe.

Now its just my Friday.

Earlier in the week several were talking about BLM and saying "did you notice that the only people who need special rights are people incapable of achieving things on their own"? I told them that they shouldn't talk about the Teamsters like that. They were quick to explain that they didn't mean the Teamsters, they meant affirmative action. They are in a tizzy since a neighboring city lent us a black driver.
Minorities are like the canary in the coal mine, they are the first to get fucked over, take care of them and the rest will be just fine. What happened to the brown folks is happening to more and more whites, lot's of white people are arrogantly treated like shit by the cops too, but the cops kill blacks at double the rate, they can kill anybody with impunity though. Same thing for getting the shit end of the stick for taxes and healthcare, keep racist whites stupid and they fuck themselves and everybody else too.
Five years ago if you had told me I would be managing a crew of Teamsters and that three of them would be loudly arguing with me that all kinds of socialism are bad, I would have told you to put down the meff pipe.

Now its just my Friday.

Earlier in the week several were talking about BLM and saying "did you notice that the only people who need special rights are people incapable of achieving things on their own"? I told them that they shouldn't talk about the Teamsters like that. They were quick to explain that they didn't mean the Teamsters, they meant affirmative action. They are in a tizzy since a neighboring city lent us a black driver.
Would be an interesting time to ask how many of them live in a house that they have a mortgage on.
Most probably don't. These guys are making around $100k per year and houses here average about a years wages for a nice one.
How they "feel" about Donald and the federal GOP is the most important thing right now. The GOP governor did ok by all accounts, but you know more about that in OH.
Political shit has heated up here. I guess they are not used to having a liberal around and are used to just slinging racist shit around at will. Likewise their support of Coward in Chief Trump. I don't bring it up but I will step to the little bitches when they do.

I would give a shit if I didn't plan on transferring out of this shithole soon. The county fair said they would not ask vendors to stop selling confederate flag items (hot item here) and the local school board pulled their participation. The fair quickly did an about face and this has caused sweeping and moaning. They asked how I felt about people wearing them and I said that I am always in favor of allowing people to identify themselves as racist assholes.

About a week ago somebody said "everybody I know in the military supports Trump, what does that tell you?" I replied that it tells me that they don't know any officers.

I guess this may have been exacerbated by the few drivers that have seen me at BLM protests. Tough shit.