Dry wall mold


Well-Known Member
Screw the damn run. Get that shit fixed. Mold can cause significant health issues. If left untreated that stuff will spread all over. You'll be breathing mold spores while you sleep. Do you own that house? Is the current run worth more than the value of the house?


Well-Known Member
I quit in fall of 2018 and started growing weed beginning of 2019. I just wasn’t able to keep things clean enough with the large scale I was trying to go at. Making spawn and fruiting in the same room and the trich just got totally out of control. One day I’ll start up again, when I can design a cleanroom with some serious HEPA action for making spawn and set up my tubs far, far away. Weed’s easy to do in one room thanks to tents.


Well-Known Member
Screw the damn run. Get that shit fixed. Mold can cause significant health issues. If left untreated that stuff will spread all over. You'll be breathing mold spores while you sleep. Do you own that house? Is the current run worth more than the value of the house?
I do concur completely. Fixing your house is way more important than salvaging your grow. If you’re DIY inclined shoot me a PM. I do remodeling for a commercial general contractor and most of my area of expertise is drywall hanging and taping, painting, and finish carpentry. I’d be happy to help you save some money fixing that shit yourself, provided you have a tape measure, cordless drill, and some taping knives.


Well-Known Member
That mold needs remediation NOW!
Mix up a 10 part water to 1 part bleach and have at it. Bleach kills 100% of molds. You will need a follow up wash with straight vinegar in a spray bottle.

All the spores from what you have there will be all over the place, you'll be breathing them in. Get rid of that shit, seriously, it's unhealthy.