Why has my personal consumption lowered since starting to grow? I mean from very serious decadence (710 labs daily $$$$)to next to none..anyone?

100%. I found myself being skeptical of any buds around my town and knew if I just waited id have my own. And then when I have my own. I don't want to smoke it all up so I end up smoking less to "conserve" it lol.

Dude, same here, the reason I've started my grow is because of a bag I bought tasted like shit, and had no thc effect to it. I mean I was gagging from that smoke, nastiest shit I've tried. No quality, and I don't feel like paying $60 for an 1/8th from a dispensary.
Dude, same here, the reason I've started my grow is because of a bag I bought tasted like shit, and had no thc effect to it. I mean I was gagging from that smoke, nastiest shit I've tried. No quality, and I don't feel like paying $60 for an 1/8th from a dispensary.
Ya we had guys trying to sell hemp and cbd as real weed. One look I was like lol no thanks
When I moved from Missouri (illegal state) to Colorado (legal state) my consumption went WAY down. I was a grower in Missouri though so I always had plenty of weed. I honestly think that the fact it was illegal made me want to smoke more.

This for sure! I had similar experience wayyy back drinking underage. It was fun until I turned 21, then it wasn't as appealing.