Looking for advice


First time grower here. Only rocking 2 plants, Mimosa & Do Si Do. Currently on week 7 of flowering, watering once weekly every Sunday. This past Sunday (7/5/20) was the first week of flushing, and our schedule has us cutting them down to harvest on Sunday 7/19. Everything seems to be going fairly well for our first time grow, but it is becoming evident we did not trim enough before flowering. Yesterday (Tuesday) I cut a lot of stray leaves and hopeless buds near the bottom of each plant, but there are some other branches closer to the bottom that harness a decent bud at the top, and they look like they could have some potential after the extra trimming, giving it a LOT more light exposure.

Just want to know if there is anything else I could do from here to help improve my overall yield (especially from the smaller branches near the bottom

Tell me what you think would be the best course of action from here.

Picture of full tent (Mimosa up front on the left, Do Si Do in the back on the right)

Picture of smaller buds branching off from the bottom as mentioned above (Mimosa)

Picture of the most prominent bud from the Mimosa plant for reference

Keep in mind a lot of the colas seem to be "dropping" but I installed some ropes to help manipulate the light penetration to the bottom


Well-Known Member
Tip to improve yield :
NEVER go by breeder times - they lie.

Stop flushing them .
Continue grow for at least 2 more weeks.


Tip to improve yield :
NEVER go by breeder times - they lie.

Stop flushing them .
Continue grow for at least 2 more weeks.
What exactly does/can this do? And is there a way I can 2 step harvest (cut down the tops when they're ready and let the bottoms grow longer)