New to plants, need help lol

Cupboard guy

Active Member
Too far from the light source thats why she is so tall...She put all of the energy to grow closer to the light insted of focusing on growing the leaves....Also be carefull not to overwater because she looks kinda droopy on the picture
100% spot on and heat stressed maybe
Open some vents. Try to get around mid 70's and back the light off about 6".
Just speculation though but looks like heat and light stress.
Will be better once your fan gets in. But your damaged leaves won't heal fyi.
And make sure your fan isn't blowing on the plant
The light is the highest up in the tent possible. Just opened the vents. I had the fan at the top , pointing at the light. I moved it down to where the plants are, point still towards the light.
Ty for your input! .
Your seedling looks perfectly fine to me. When you do transplant, if you think the stem is too far, just plant it about an inch deeper.

Also I'd leave the light as-is. You should let the plant grow into the light if there's sufficient light, which 100 watts is way more than enough. Just go by the light manufacturers recommendation of distance for seedlings.

Also, most people only get deficiencies when they over-water and rot the root hairs. The rotting root hairs are why plants get a nutrient deficiency since the root hairs are rotted and can no longer uptake nutrients normally. A nutrient deficiency is almost never due to an actual lack of a nutrients. People over-watering then go on this downward spiral of trying to correct a nutrient deficiency, which none existed in the first place, and it was their overwatering that caused it all. Now that you know, you won't be 'that guy'.

Hope that helps.

Cupboard guy

Active Member
It all depends on what light LED,hps,cfl etc. If heats your problem you need more circulation. Fresh air in-> hot air out. Your environment is more important than light assuming you have the minimum recommended for your space
It all depends on what light LED,hps,cfl etc. If heats your problem you need more circulation. Fresh air in-> hot air out. Your environment is more important than light assuming you have the minimum recommended for your space
I had the purple lights up until recently, i noticed the wattage was less than what i thought, idk how i thought they were 100watt. And now i have the second pic of light... the white.
I have a 24×24×48 tent. Small fan, humidifier, the humidity/thermometer thing, the exaust is coming today. I have vents open in the mean time. I also have nutrients... but havent used them cause online says mostly that it isnt needed yet.

This is my first time trying to grow anything lol. Learning as i go. I appreciate your help.

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Well-Known Member
I have my clones that I just transplanted(July 1st) to an 8 gallon fabric pot. I’m using fox farms ocean forest as my medium. I’m starting to notice some spotting on the leaves and on two of my plants(both different strains) the stems are turning a purple color. I’ve attached some pics. Can anyone help me identify my issue? I use water with a ph of 6.5. And the soil is hot so i have not added any nutrients yet. I was going to wait until the 3 week mark. I’m growing them in my apt patio. And want to take to another location for the flowering process. I’m a newbie grower, so I’m kind of lost on what’s what. Is it temporary shock due to the transplant?


Cupboard guy

Active Member
We were all noobs at one time. These boards were my bible when I started out. The people here and other places like promote helpful communities. You’re in a lot of good hands.

Once you exhaust that heat you should see improvement quickly.
I have my clones that I just transplanted(July 1st) to an 8 gallon fabric pot. I’m using fox farms ocean forest as my medium. I’m starting to notice some spotting on the leaves and on two of my plants(both different strains) the stems are turning a purple color. I’ve attached some pics. Can anyone help me identify my issue? I use water with a ph of 6.5. And the soil is hot so i have not added any nutrients yet. I was going to wait until the 3 week mark. I’m growing them in my apt patio. And want to take to another location for the flowering process. I’m a newbie grower, so I’m kind of lost on what’s what. Is it temporary shock due to the transplant?
Hi noob here too lol, you posted on my thread which is cool.. i was called out on doing that not so nicely lol. I dont mind. But you will get less views posting here. I was given this chart below. Hope it helps!!!

Cupboard guy

Active Member
I have my clones that I just transplanted(July 1st) to an 8 gallon fabric pot. I’m using fox farms ocean forest as my medium. I’m starting to notice some spotting on the leaves and on two of my plants(both different strains) the stems are turning a purple color. I’ve attached some pics. Can anyone help me identify my issue? I use water with a ph of 6.5. And the soil is hot so i have not added any nutrients yet. I was going to wait until the 3 week mark. I’m growing them in my apt patio. And want to take to another location for the flowering process. I’m a newbie grower, so I’m kind of lost on what’s what. Is it temporary shock due to the transplant?
I suggest you use the search function mate. Some of the older members get shirty about the “same old questions”.
Just some friendly advice before a veteran tears you a new one. It happened to me a few times. But your looking at some sort of deficiency, check those threads first. Good luck
(Edited because I came across as a dick.)
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Well-Known Member
Thx for the advice. Sucks to hear that when all one wants to do is learn. But ‍♂
You too look like you're overwatering... drooping leaves is the first sign... let the soil dry out a bit (but not completely) before watering/feeding again


Well-Known Member
Thx. Yeah I was watering every few days. But I think I need to slow it down to once a week for now. Thx again.


Well-Known Member
I do. I’ve been adjusting the ph to about 6.5. The water I use has a ppm of 235. I adjust water before hand. And I’m using fox farms ocean forest, which has a ph of 6.5-6.8.


Well-Known Member
That’s the next thing I’ll be testing I’m using fabric pots and need to get a rack that i can put them on so I can collect the run off and test.