Trump pardons Stone.

Will Rodger Stone be pardoned?

  • Yes

    Votes: 4 80.0%
  • No

    Votes: 1 20.0%

  • Total voters
With control of the Senate by Republicans, he can't be impeached for now. At this time, there are no laws that Democrats could pass to remediate his actions. He's fired all checks on his power in the DOJ and the head of the DOJ is his personal lawyer, not a nonpartisan administrator of the DOJ. He's not constrained to follow the laws of this land. Lawsuits against his illegal actions that will most certainly succeed if they are allowed to proceed take years, not the months he has left, so he's pretty much unbridled. Near as I can tell, he's planning to take down the constitution. Perhaps through subverting the election or a coup. I don't know that he can manage it, but his path doesn't seem to be leading anywhere good for him if he acquiesces to the will of the people and steps down peacefully after losing the election. As with any corrupt leader, Trump can't step down without facing criminal prosecutions and he isn't going to go down that road. Not without a fight.

For motives, I've always suspected that Trump is involved in a massive money laundering scheme to the tune hundreds of billions of dollars maybe trillions. Not just Russian oligarch money but also laundering Iranian oil money and US organized crime. I think the scheme began years ago and it snowballed into his run at a presidency. If he pulls it off he'll be the richest man in the world with pretty much unlimited power. I have no doubt that investigations under a Biden presidency will find that Trump was raiding the national treasury and committing all sorts of illegal, corrupt act that benefited him personally. If he loses, he goes to jail anyway, so why not try?

I hope I'm wrong.

you're not.
Look my friends. I don't know what is your problem with Trump. I watch the news from my country. All the media have started war against him. For a period I was opening TV and all I was watching was Trump fucking girls. WTF? is that bad to have sex? All the Hollywood is raping kids but Trump fucking some girls is bad? Look at the corrupted politicians in Europe and then rethink about Trump. He is more of a businessman and less a politician. In our days that's the point because politicians are dogs of businessmans. If you don't want him cause of weed legalization send him to my country.

he's the president, for one?

let's compare..who's your dictator?
he's the president, for one?

let's compare..who's your dictator?
Just naming you wouldnt believe. So let the pictures tell the truth. You still want to swap with trump?


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He's leagues better than Trump. Most of Greece think so too.
You serious? He is a real estate agent! He is selling our Aegean islands. The previous PM sold Macedonia! Macedonia and Alexander the Great are a big piece of our history! They robed his grave to prove that he was not Greek!!! They are all brokers here! Maybe I sound that I tell stories but is the truth. And all these for the natural gas in our seas...
You serious? He is a real estate agent! He is selling our Aegean islands. The previous PM sold Macedonia! Macedonia and Alexander the Great are a big piece of our history! They robed his grave to prove that he was not Greek!!! They are all brokers here! Maybe I sound that I tell stories but is the truth. And all these for the natural gas in our seas...
Oh my gawd, the PM did something of no practical significance without consulting you.

Under last summer's Prespa accord, the two countries agreed that the Balkan state would become the Republic of North Macedonia, in return for Greece backing its long-stalled bids to join Nato and the European Union.

You sound like a Trump supporter complaining about how "they took away Christmas" because the polite greeting is "Happy Holidays". How terrible.

That said, I know practically nothing of your PM other than he told the EU to stick their restrictions for financial aid up their asses. That may or may not be good, I really don't know, other than most of the people in your country agreed.

I'd still agree to trading Trump for just about anything so long as you agree to keep him. Two rocks and a straw would suffice to seal the deal.
What if Chihuahua was named south Arizona because the land is oil rich?
what about it?

It's just a name. The US has no claim on Mexican oil, so, I don't understand why you think that would be an outrage to the people of the US. I'm pretty sure that the people of Chihuahua would be outraged if the US were to claim they HAD to change their state's name to South Arizona. What a strange analogy you made.

A quick google search yielded nothing about a Greece-Macedonian dispute over natural gas deposits in the seas or elsewhere. A link would be appreciated. I'd like to know more about your complaint over what sounds to me like a territorial dispute. We have some pretty strange people over here who keep making stuff up. I've learned to check claims on subjects like that because more often than not they are bogus. So, a link, please.
Opa and Nazi in the same sentence. Only a quantum physician could achieve that
If the shoe fits, wear it, but I would suggest washing your feet and finding new footwear, you are on the wrong side of history. You might find it easier to grow a new attitude, provided you have the emotional and mental capacity to do so.
He's just a full of shit troll.
He as much a Greek as I'm fucking English,
How the fuck would a Greek define Arizona in zones, like south Arizona?
Have fun discussing shit with him, but I wouldn't waste my time.
Oh he's a troll, Eurotrash, Trump Traitor, or Russian, they all sing the same song, so it makes little difference in the end.
They are needed though actually, to achieve a balance & too remind one too keep the knives sharp & at hand :)
James, when America comes together after this shit, these people will be driven from the public space. Like the republicans drove out the the RHINOs, America will drive out these assholes in the same way, as group cohesion and a new patriotic orthodoxy is enforced. It might not be pretty for some, racism is now seen by the national security community, many in the public and military, as a national security threat of the first order, Trump proved this conclusively. Remember how the left and the communists were suppressed? It will be a picnic in comparison, they are an enemy 5th column now and into the future.
Oh he's a troll, Eurotrash, Trump Traitor, or Russian, they all sing the same song, so it makes little difference in the end.
If the shoe fits, wear it, but I would suggest washing your feet and finding new footwear, you are on the wrong side of history. You might find it easier to grow a new attitude, provided you have the emotional and mental capacity to do so.
Greece is a go to work, restaurant, night club end the day on a beach before sunrise remove the beach sand from shoes and get to work routine. No doesn't fit. Every different situation needs the proper attitude. Nazi story it's complete outside our culture. But I described you the daily life in Greece. If someone trys to take this freedom away from you does this makes you a Nazi?
They are needed though actually, to achieve a balance & too remind one too keep the knives sharp & at hand :)
You mean we hold the east Hot Gates fighting turkey while the rest of Europe has a peace of mind having vacations in our islands? Fuck Europe and Euro €
Oh he's a troll, Eurotrash, Trump Traitor, or Russian, they all sing the same song, so it makes little difference in the end.
Nazi and Russian yes but Trump traitor NEVER! I am a supporter. Guys please.. there no Nazi in Greece... You know Nazi invaded Crete, they found death from old villagers? Imagine 80 years old ladies with rakes killing paratroopers. Yes it's true written in history books. Hitler admited. Raped by old Greek ladies and rakes
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Nazi and Russian yes but Trump traitor NEVER! I am a supporter. Guys please.. there no Nazi in Greece... You know Nazi invaded Crete, they found death from old villagers? Imagine 80 years old ladies with rakes killing paratroopers. Yes it's true written in history books. Hitler admited. Raped by old Greek ladies and rakes
Nazism is not about germans in this context, it about an attitude driven by fear at it's base, you've expressed this fear. Protect and grow your culture and be a patriot to your country as I am to mine. To support enemies of humanity, you become one, blood has been spilled by stupid hatred in America, 130,000 people dead in mere months, through the lack of leadership and caring of a simple minded psychopath, in standing with Trump you don't have a moral or ethical leg to stand on.

Turkey might not be in NATO too much longer, it's led by your kind of guy, a friend of Trump/Putin and a threat to your country as Trump is to mine. European union without a united monetary and immigration policy and an enforceable border paid for by all, is too problematic to survive, you are largely the result of this failure to address these fundamental questions. Whenever the middle east turns into Hell you are overwhelmed and are part of the backlash. The fact that Greece is in the hole financially (pay your fucking taxes!) and cannot devalue its own currency to curtail imports and drive industries like tourism, makes recovery difficult at best. Donald Trump will not solve these problems, but will make them worse.

If you wish to speak honestly with honor I will too, but I will be frank, your beliefs are self destructive, to yourself and country, look what it did for America. You might be wounded, but you know better than this foolishness. Anybody who believes or supports trump is a fool, but for most a fool can be a temporary state, most often driven by fear and hate.