i voted but not for Obama or McCain.......
i voted for Pakelika from the Kottonmouth Kings
any1 else do the same thing???????
Well, I am not voting today.
Because I voted last week!
im not bitter about it... honestly i wouldnt vote anyway... i just wanted to see where your high horse logic comes from.... i applaud you if you had your life together at such a tender young age... i on the other hand, had alot of shit to learn yet still, and dont see the logic in taking away "privileges" people havent even gotten yet.... wasnt old enough to buy cigs, vote, go to war, drink, or enter into contract; but i was old enough in the laws eyes to go to prison.... like a thought, you're in cali, where you dont have to fret too much about your personal grow, in my state however, ONE plant is punishable with 5-10years in prison, as a felon, so i fail to see the justification in "have been convicted of" as a viable difference between you and i.... i guess if i "hadnt been caught" i would have the same logic... but alas, i was; probably for the best.... i still fail to see the logical reason that says someone isnt old enough to make responsible decisions in the eyes of the law, but they are still held accountable for one mistake as a man that is responsible for his decisions.... its an oxymoron....
I'm really not on any high horse... I am not out actively supporting you losing the privilege to vote... and I understand that kids fuck up, my little brother fucked up a lot in life, but he is an awesome guy. Perhaps if I were on your side of the fence, and were a felon I would feel differently... If it makes you feel better, I will vote for you as a proxy from now on, so your voice can be heard. I certainly have no interest in voting, and there is no point in letting a vote go to waste.
well thanks for going to bat for me.... vote anything but repub/dem and we are cool... hell go vote communist, they run everytime
Absolutely, and PM me your choices in the future. I truly don't mind, and since you're so passionate about being able to get your vote in, I am more than happy to give up my privilege to vote so you can vote.
When it comes to elections I'm like a leaf floating through the river, going wherever the raging current is going to take me.
Of course if the shit hits the fan, you will witness the first leaf to ever grow legs and get the fuck out of there.
Everyone who doesn't plan on voting should join my "Sponsor a Felon" program
I'm going to get headed in like 10 minutes.
waitin for bush to declare martial law an shit......
i didn't vote today.
nobody sold me.
i want my mom, girlfriend, and you to pay the same price for medicine that i do. just because i work for a big company doesn't mean i special.
i want gay people to be able to get married.
i want mj legal.
i want way more than i care to wright abou here. but until the times comes when i fully stand behind a option. i willnot vote.
just like those mulitple choice tests, where no answer fits the question.
i haven't voted yet in my life. and i'm sorry i'm sooo different that i can't find a president to stand behind.
but i did make lunch today. and it was mmmmm mmmm good.
let me guess; hes a felon for something minor too?? just a bad choice? im no career criminal, but the govt would like you to think so... i was charged with burglary of an inhabited dwelling... i look like an asshole on paper... nobody wants to know WHAT happened, why, or why it was a freak occurence... they dont give a shit, they just think i am shit... but quite the contrary, im a rather good man who made an extremely bad decision.... i dont see how 2HOURS out of my life (when i was too young to vote or be in the military) can be used to judge me for the REST of my life... i imagine your brother is much the same???