Leaf burn on tip

Sup Im BirDy

Well-Known Member
It is the lower leaves, some leaves are cupping down a little without dark green leaves pointing down so I’m assuming it’s either under watering/over watering or nute burn? I use slow feed amendments from down to earth. During the veg to flower transition I didn’t lower N. I’ve been using the same amount because I read you can keep it the same or drop the N. I’m using 4-8-4 Down to earth Rose & Bud by top dress. 1-2 tbs per gal. 5gal pots. I’m sure it’s nothing & I’m doing Over protective first organic grow dad.


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Well-Known Member
What it do. Hey do u have a moister meter or something that shows your soil moisture levels. If not get one. It’s a couple bucks. Like 3$ it will tell u when to water and and for nutes. . As I’ve learned don’t over do it. Maybe 2-3 times a day is spraying. Around the stem on the soil( make a ring around it ) or just use water. I heard from the best. Less is best. For early stages. When you start cutting and bending and doing stuff use your nutes when soaking the soil. With ur regular water mix. How u been doing. They’ll need it. When getting abused lol

Sup Im BirDy

Well-Known Member
What it do. Hey do u have a moister meter or something that shows your soil moisture levels. If not get one. It’s a couple bucks. Like 3$ it will tell u when to water and and for nutes. . As I’ve learned don’t over do it. Maybe 2-3 times a day is spraying. Around the stem on the soil( make a ring around it ) or just use water. I heard from the best. Less is best. For early stages. When you start cutting and bending and doing stuff use your nutes when soaking the soil. With ur regular water mix. How u been doing. They’ll need it. When getting abused lol
I do 1/2 gal foliar spray around the ring like you said and I water every 2-3 days.

Sup Im BirDy

Well-Known Member
That’s what I figured. Probably pulling power from the sugar leaves cause they’re older and doing it’s purpose.