Spotting on leaves


Well-Known Member
Pests like thripse could cause this too... but the leaf could have see some more fert, although not so sure on this as I'd have to see the whole plant for this...


Well-Known Member
Looks like pests. Erratic blotchy necrosis with black spots. Look at the leaves underside with good magnification. And a complete plant pic would help.


Thanks for all the help so far. Here are some photos of the whole plant. The spotting on the leaves is only happening to some of the bottom leaves, the middle and top are fine. I have 3 other plants of the same age and I feel like all of them aren't growing as vigorously as they used too.
When we got them just a little over a month ago they were scrawny little clones just under a foot tall.



Well-Known Member
And here's the underside of a leaf.
Remove the affected leaves. Mix 1Tbs of dishoap with 1 quart water and Soak the plant early morning or early evenind with A spray. Tip the plant sideways to get under the leaves. It's stong mix But safe. Easiest and simplest bug treatment and preventive you can use. Always start with the simplest solutions. Everybody's happier.

P.S. I suggest more watering. Look A little thirsty there. Happy growing..


Remove the affected leaves. Mix 1Tbs of dishoap with 1 quart water and Soak the plant early morning or early evenind with A spray. Tip the plant sideways to get under the leaves. It's stong mix But safe. Easiest and simplest bug treatment and preventive you can use. Always start with the simplest solutions. Everybody's happier.

P.S. I suggest more watering. Look A little thirsty there. Happy growing..
Thanks! I'll try that this eve. The plants were watered yesterday all day by the rain. The day before I had watered them with nutrients.


Well-Known Member
Thanks! I'll try that this eve. The plants were watered yesterday all day by the rain. The day before I had watered them with nutrients.
It rained all night and Half the morning here yesterday. My plants were praying for water before dinner. They get thirstier with ever increasing root mass. If the leaves on Half the plant or more are raising up and curling Along the length? They want water. Easy to read.


Makes sense! Side note, I was watering with nutes every other watering. Would the rain fall count as a water then? Also wondering if it rains a few hours after I water with nutes, will the nutrients drain away?


Well-Known Member
Makes sense! Side note, I was watering with nutes every other watering. Would the rain fall count as a water then? Also wondering if it rains a few hours after I water with nutes, will the nutrients drain away?
Rain counts. But unless It is serious down pour usually not sufficient in containers. Very small sq. Footage to collect It. Your leaves say Your nutes are close to max. That Looks good. As far as washing them out goes. There is aiways an excess in the soil. The occasional flush is beneficial and doesn't harm the plant. Anything else I can help with now that Im engaded in this conversation. I learn from helping out. Win Win.


How can you tell by the leaves if the nutes are close to max? Is watering with nutes every other day a good way to go? I really appreciate all the help!


Well-Known Member
How can you tell by the leaves if the nutes are close to max? Is watering with nutes every other day a good way to go? I really appreciate all the help!
By the Color and tips Along with leaf posture. It takes some time. But Your plant will guide you after enough time with them. You'll notice changes in Color and attitude before damage If you pay attention. Grab A drink and A bud. Sit down and Just Watch Your plants for A day. You'll see them move in response to things. Eventually you can see ghe cause. It's crazy or I am. But they are alive and animate.

Your plants are using the nutes So It is fine. Not always So. Depsnds on plant and how hot Your mix is. Hope that clarifies things. K.I.S.S. is the Best bet with Least issues.