Leaves changing color, getting older or else?


Well-Known Member
Hi folks,

I just switched my cfl light for a mars hydro 120w TS 600.

After 5 days from the week I noticed my leaves changing color, the light is at 30 cm from the plant which is the distance suggested by the vendor for the flowering phase

The plant has almost 8 weeks.

Is the changing of color due to the age of the plant or is there something else going on?

Don't want to mess up in the end!!! I need your expertise to calm my anxiety XD

Attached the photos that show the difference between today and 5 days ago.




Well-Known Member
Look at the color of the stems, see how they have gone from green to red? That combined with yellowing of the leafs usually means that you are dealing with a deficiency, which either means you need to add a little more food or if you already have enough food to get your pH within the proper range so that the plants can eat the food.


Well-Known Member
Look at the color of the stems, see how they have gone from green to red? That combined with yellowing of the leafs usually means that you are dealing with a deficiency, which either means you need to add a little more food or if you already have enough food to get your pH within the proper range so that the plants can eat the food.
Thanks @DaFreak!

PH is between 7 and 8 (it seems 7.8) pretty high considering that the last time I've checked it was perfectly 6.5

Do i need to correct it? How do I do it? Can it be cause right now the soil is slightly dry, as i still need to water it today?

I've feeding her with this, 1 tablet for 5 liter of water --> https://www.royalqueenseeds.com/growing/356-easy-bloom-booster-tablet.html

1L every usually 48 hours considering that the soil is still wet after 24 hours.


Well-Known Member
I'm not a soil person so I will let somebody else answer that. You should let them know what type of soil you are using as well. I do know that you want to soil to dry out before you water again, over watering is not a good thing. Plants like to go from wet to almost dry just like in nature. You should only be watering them every 3 or 4 days depending on how quick they dry out.


Well-Known Member
pH is back in the range. 6.8 after been a week between 7 and 8..
The plant now is in the 9th week, almost there, what u guysh think about the leaves that are getting really yellow? Should I do something? Why is that? Is it a lack of something or can it be because of the pH or is just getting older?

ad said, still feeding them using the vendor tablets..

Thanks in advice


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Well-Known Member
Just give her a plain watering, no vendor tablet next time she dries out. Then back to a a feed again.
Still a couple of weeks to go yet and it'll be worth the wait in weight.
You are gonna have to get some proper nutes next time. Doesn't need to be anything fancy. Tomato food or a 1 part bloom food like Plagron for instance.


Well-Known Member
Thanks a lot @Wattzzup @Moflow @Jimdamick!

I will get proper nutes next time! Yeah fully agree!

@Wattzzup u can find the tablet link in this thread, that's what I'm giving, following the schedule suggested in the instructions...

should I trim the most yellow leaves to expose more the lower buds?

Should I keep feeding her or maybe start flushing? When should I start flushing?

Sorry first time I'm at this stage so not sure about the next steps..

Ah.. just to let u know, I ve been able to lower the pH using water + vinegar, it took few days but it seems is bring it down... I read few websites suggesting it, so I assume no harm to the plant..


Well-Known Member
Hey guys hope u are enjoying your Sunday!

I was thinking I ve always sent u photos with flash that may have messed up a bit with the colors of the buds!

Attached the photo under the light with natural colors!

I was thinking to cut the big main stem cause it looks quite ready so that the lower stems get a better exposure to the light, u think is it a good idea or would be a waste cause the big one is not ready yet?

@Wattzzup @Moflow @Jimdamick @Merlin1147



Well-Known Member
I’ve done Multi step harvesting a couple of times at the encouragement of @Dr. Who. As I recall he said the second harvest can be better than the first in quality and strength. I don’t think your main cola is ready yet. Pretty close though.


Well-Known Member
thanks thanks thanks! I ll wait then! Maybe I can consider to do multi step harvesting but just when u guys will think that she is ready! Will post new photos in few days!

I just can't wait!!


Well-Known Member
Hi folks,

Okay now I'm more than worry!

2 days from the beginning of week 10, I stopped giving nutes 5 days ago and since then I'm giving just water.

Some leaves now are drying out and the buds are changing colors, leaves close the buds are getting more black everyday.. the buds feel a bit stiff, hard at touch..

What should I do? Considering is almost time to harvest? What happened? Is she fucked up?

Are these issues because of th light switch ( the color started changing around 2 weeks after I switched to led) is this light burn or nutes issues or anything else? I want to be sure I won't make same errors next time..

pH is slightly high again, but not more then 7.3

If it's light burn why it is affecting also some of the bottom leaves, should not be mainly on the top level ones?

@Merlin1147 @Moflow @Wattzzup @Jimdamick

