Heart Stopping Headline: Ruth Bader Ginsburg Is...

Viking period[edit]
From the 9th to the 12th century Viking/Norse-Gael Dublin in particular was a major slave trading center which led to an increase in slavery.[4] In 870, Vikings, most likely led by Olaf the White and Ivar the Boneless, besieged and captured the stronghold of Dumbarton Castle (Alt Clut), the capital of the Kingdom of Strathclyde in Scotland, and the next year took most of the site's inhabitants to the Dublin slave markets.[4]
When the Vikings established early Scandinavian Dublin in 841, they began a slave market that would come to sell thralls captured both in Ireland and other countries as distant as Spain,[5] as well as sending Irish slaves as far away as Iceland,[6] where Gaels formed 40% of the founding population,[7] and Anatolia.[8] In 875, Irish slaves in Iceland launched Europe's largest slave rebellion since the end of the Roman Empire, when Hjörleifr Hróðmarsson's slaves killed him and fled to Vestmannaeyjar.[citation needed] Almost all recorded slave raids in this period took place in Leinster and southeast Ulster; while there was almost certainly similar activity in the south and west, only one raid from the Hebrides on the Aran Islands is recorded.[9]
Slavery became more widespread in Ireland throughout the 11th century, as Dublin became the biggest slave market in Western Europe.[9][5] Its main sources of supply were the Irish hinterland, Wales and Scotland.[9] The Irish slave trade began to decline after William the Conqueror consolidated control of the English and Welsh coasts around 1080, and was dealt a severe blow when the Kingdom of England, one of its biggest markets, banned slavery[10] in its territory in 1102.[6][9] The continued existence of the trade was used as one justification for the Norman conquest of Ireland after 1169, after which the Hiberno-Normans replaced slavery with feudalism.[6][11] The 1171 Council of Armagh freed all Englishmen and -women kept as slaves in Ireland.[12] It was clear from the Decree of the Council of Armagh that English were selling their children as slaves. "For the English people hitherto throughout the whole of their kingdom to the common injury of their people, had become accustomed to selling their sons and relatives in Ireland, to expose their children for sale as slaves, rather than suffer any need or want."[13]
Also there were signs common in western Canada in the late 19th century that said " Englishmen need not apply", the arrogant fucks! :D
BTW why are you in England, the root and home of such evil white people?
What a shameful and ignorant thing to say to zedd. You come from immigrant stock. You sound like one of our white Boogaloos telling nonwhites: "Why don't you just go back where you came from?"

Time for your meds ("meditation").
What a shameful and ignorant thing to say to zedd. You come from immigrant stock. You sound like one of our white Boogaloos telling nonwhites: "Why don't you just go back where you came from?"

Time for your meds ("meditation").
You can't even question someone who is baiting you and wished all white people extinction without getting subjected to a purity test. Tough foggy I can live with the comment. There was no implication he move, just why he was there and staying with a people he hated and despised. Were his parents willing immigrants or willing indentured servants? Make genocidal comments and I don't give a fuck what color yer hide is, I'll flail it.

Do you support genocide, you never called him out for it?
You can't even question someone who is baiting you and wished all white people extinction without getting subjected to a purity test. Tough foggy I can live with the comment. There was no implication he move, just why he was there and staying with a people he hated and despised. Were his parents willing immigrants or willing indentured servants? Make genocidal comments and I don't give a fuck what color yer hide is, I'll flail it.

Do you support genocide, you never called him out for it?
Hey, man. You keep doubling down on the racist shit? You asked a man born in the UK, whose parents came to the UK from India, why he remained in England. Why don't you effing go back to where you "came from"? That's exactly what KKK has been saying to immigrants to the US for nearly a hundred years. It has the stench of the worst forms of racism. It was even said to black people whose family were kidnapped and brought to the US hundreds of years ago.

I take it all back. I think you are Canadian and I think Canada has issues of its own to deal with. From what you have said, it's clear that the US is leagues ahead of Canada in this regard. Go take your meds. (meditation).
Hey, man. You keep doubling down on the racist shit? You asked a man born in the UK, whose parents came to the UK from India, why he remained in England. Why don't you effing go back to where you "came from"? That's exactly what KKK has been saying to immigrants to the US for nearly a hundred years. It has the stench of the worst forms of racism. It was even said to black people whose family were kidnapped and brought to the US hundreds of years ago.

I take it all back. I think you are Canadian and I think Canada has issues of its own to deal with. From what you have said, it's clear that the US is leagues ahead of Canada in this regard. Go take your meds. (meditation).
Oh so now you're an expert on the British empire too as well as your deep personal knowledge of slavery, of course the books written by articulate black me and read by those who care don't matter and "the other" knows nothing. I'll let ya in on a little secret, just like 33% of white people are assholes, so are just as many black folks, makes everybody equal in that respect.

Keep the "go back where ya came from" gaslighting up, you can't seem to avoid it. America ended slavery over 30 years after the british empire abolished it, patrolled the seas an set people free again. Maybe we are just 30 years ahead of America in some respects, where will America be in another 30 years? Perhaps the bitterness and resentment will be always with us though, there's always baggage.
Oh so now you're an expert on the British empire too as well as your deep personal knowledge of slavery, of course the books written by articulate black me and read by those who care don't matter and "the other" knows nothing. I'll let ya in on a little secret, just like 33% of white people are assholes, so are just as many black folks, makes everybody equal in that respect.

Keep the "go back where ya came from" gaslighting up, you can't seem to avoid it. America ended slavery over 30 years after the british empire abolished it, patrolled the seas an set people free again. Maybe we are just 30 years ahead of America in some respects, where will America be in another 30 years? Perhaps the bitterness and resentment will be always with us though, there's always baggage.

take "yer" meds (meditation)
Hey, man. You keep doubling down on the racist shit? You asked a man born in the UK, whose parents came to the UK from India, why he remained in England. Why don't you effing go back to where you "came from"? That's exactly what KKK has been saying to immigrants to the US for nearly a hundred years. It has the stench of the worst forms of racism. It was even said to black people whose family were kidnapped and brought to the US hundreds of years ago.

I take it all back. I think you are Canadian and I think Canada has issues of its own to deal with. From what you have said, it's clear that the US is leagues ahead of Canada in this regard. Go take your meds. (meditation).
The problem that I have is that I need a tourist visa to visit India, I am not being asked to resettle.
I do not condone any genocide as that scurrilous fuk suggests, simply that white people will be gone due to natural selection in about 150 years.
DIY is a fucking racist pos and should be turtled or have his account suspended, imo,because he won’t stop with his hideous fuk off back to India racism.
DIY is a fucking racist pos and should be turtled or have his account suspended, imo,because he won’t stop with his hideous fuk off back to India racism.
You are the one who made genocidal comments and expressed extreme hatred for the people who surround you. You are using an important social issue to salve your sore asshole for personal reasons. You are the one who is a racist and you have repeatedly expressed this sentiment. I am not your enemy and neither are all white people, shit I don't even know your skin tone and don't give a fuck either. Racist come in a colors and classes there are assholes everywhere and from your posts you appear to be one. You carry the weight of history on your back like a cross, no different than a confederate wannabe.

You are useless in the fight for freedom and cannot form a community with those who have a common cause and purpose, sounds a lot like what's wrong with America and much of the world. Perhaps you should look in a mirror in your search for the truth.
You are the one who made genocidal comments and expressed extreme hatred for the people who surround you. You are using an important social issue to salve your sore asshole for personal reasons. You are the one who is a racist and you have repeatedly expressed this sentiment. I am not your enemy and neither are all white people, shit I don't even know your skin tone and don't give a fuck either. Racist come in a colors and classes there are assholes everywhere and from your posts you appear to be one. You carry the weight of history on your back like a cross, no different than a confederate wannabe.

You are useless in the fight for freedom and cannot form a community with those who have a common cause and purpose, sounds a lot like what's wrong with America and much of the world. Perhaps you should look in a mirror in your search for the truth.
Doubles down, no remorse, pos
A little history for those in need of it and the british probably actually freed 20 million slaves, 30 years before Lincoln, almost all were owned by Indians

Exceptions and continuations[edit]
As a notable exception to the rest of the British Empire, the Act did not extend to any of the Territories administered by the East India Company, including the islands of Ceylon, and Saint Helena.[20] in which the Company had been independently regulating, and in part prohibiting the slave trade since 1774; with regulations prohibiting enslavement, the sale without a written deed, and the transport of slaves into Company territory prohibited over the period.[34] The Indian Slavery Act, 1843 went on to prohibit Company employees from owning, or dealing in slaves, along with granting limited protection under the law, that included the ability for a slave to own, transfer or inherit property, notionally benefitting the 8 to 10 million that were estimated to exist in Company territory, to quote Rev. Howard Malcom:

The number of slaves in the Carnatic, Mysore, and Malabar, is said to be greater than in most other parts of India, and embraces nearly the whole of the Puncham Bundam caste. The whole number in British India has never been ascertained, but is supposed by the best informed persons I was able to consult to be, on an average, at least one in eight, that is about ten millions. Many consider them twice as numerous.
— Travels in Hindustan, & China. Chambers's edition, p. 23.[35]
More of the baggage of history, when American loyalists tried to take slaves to Canada, they were sometimes successful, but there was enormous social pressure on the owners.
By 1783, an anti-slavery movement to abolish the slave trade throughout the Empire had begun among the British public. Spurred by an incident involving Chloe Cooley, a slave brought to Canada by an American Loyalist, Lieutenant-Governor of Upper Canada John Graves Simcoe tabled the Act Against Slavery in 1793. Passed by the local Legislative Assembly, it was the first legislation to outlaw the slave trade in a part of the British Empire.[5]

After France which abolished slavery in 1794,[6] the British were, by the late eighteenth century, the biggest proponents of the abolition of slavery worldwide, having previously been the world's largest slave dealers.[7] William Wilberforce had written in his diary in 1787 that his great purpose in life was to suppress the slave trade before waging a 20-year fight on the industry.[8]"
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