Lockdowns work.


Well-Known Member
I treat folks how I want to be treated. I try , to not get roped into conspiracy theories. I believe to make and hope I make someone think rationally by staying level headed. I personally feel people have lost or avoid having their way of thinking challenged. I think that is how we learn. Instead of being spoon fed lies, opinions, and having their opinion reinforced. The hope is to inspire them to think for themselves. Challenge them and educate. I have my moments where I lose it. Especially if its something very outlandish. We're so polarized now days because of constant bombardment of different views. Some are absolutely pure fantasy, yet people eat it up. Just because the data is not accurate, doesn't mean its a ploy. Its called errors, and not having all the information needed to be more accurate. This is not a flu virus. Why one would compare it to the flu is beyond me. You don't compare fatal cancer cases to gun shot victims. Why compare this to the flu? Its because people feel they understand the flu a little more and Im guessing it gives them a sense of control, I can only guess, but its comparing apples to oranges. We cant compare this virus to anything else, because it is unique. If things keep getting worse, I am gonna start treating people who arent safe as threats, if they get too close. My Mom is in her 80s and I will not risk getting her sick over something as ignorant as the political stance argument.
Coronavirus epidemic in China was first reported to Trump in December 2019 or early January 2020.

Democrats: Oh my gosh, look at what happened in China. We need to get ready for this. Didn't happen, so we moved on to containment which didn't happen, so we moved on to managing the virus and are failing because of:

Trump: It's just like the flu. It will just go away. (Not true, proven wrong many times but he keeps returning to his vomit

Trump's supporters: Masks are like condoms and you can't make me use either. Areas where those attitudes prevail saw rises in disease which spread into areas that are trying to manage it

We are failing to meet this challenge because we have weak team members who are pulling us down. It's as if they are addicted to something and not even showing up.

I'm all for other people trying to reason with them. @hannimal, for example has amazing staying power. If you want to stick around and try, much respect. I simply don't see reason working on them. Most addicts never recover and so they have to be managed to prevent self harm and harm to others. They only ever recover when THEY are tired of being sick and tired. You go ahead and reason with these Trump addicts. I'll do my best to make them tired of being sick and tired. Social pressure is also a very effective tool at directing behavior in the right direction. It's crude and takes a lot of people to make it work but it's not nearly as difficult as what you are trying to do. Compassion, empathy and reason are all good things, though. So, I'll do the social pressure and browbeating, you be compassionate and maybe together we'll make some progress in curtailing these Trump afflicted addicts.

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Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
Lying sack of dog shit Conway
  • "Remember the governors wanted complete latitude over when they would open their states," she said. "They pushed back heavily, handsomely, Republicans and Democrats, when it was falsely rumored that the president was going to be in charge of reopening the states."

  • And here‘s the twin pile of lying dog crap, Trump ........I think they're listening," he saidon April 16. "I think they'd listened to me. They seem to be protesters that like me and respect this opinion, and my opinion is the same as just about all of the governors."

  • He went on to say that "large parts of the country" were ready to begin reopening. Many of the states the president encouraged in reopening didn't meet Trump administration guidelines that laid out certain thresholds states had to meet before reopening. .................. !!!!!!!
    Sorry to pick on the States once again fog but you can’t make this shit up.


Well-Known Member
Lying sack of dog shit Conway
  • "Remember the governors wanted complete latitude over when they would open their states," she said. "They pushed back heavily, handsomely, Republicans and Democrats, when it was falsely rumored that the president was going to be in charge of reopening the states."

  • And here‘s the twin pile of lying dog crap, Trump ........I think they're listening," he saidon April 16. "I think they'd listened to me. They seem to be protesters that like me and respect this opinion, and my opinion is the same as just about all of the governors."

  • He went on to say that "large parts of the country" were ready to begin reopening. Many of the states the president encouraged in reopening didn't meet Trump administration guidelines that laid out certain thresholds states had to meet before reopening. .................. !!!!!!!
    Sorry to pick on the States once again fog but you can’t make this shit up.
None of the reopening states met Task Force guidelines

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
None of the reopening states met Task Force guidelines
Yes your right they didn’t and he encouraged the protest of the states that didn’t want to when he found out his perceived power was not all encompassing. I just hope our feds have the balls to keep the border semi closed or even less porous than it is now. As much as it seems like we have shut the door on a family member......sometimes you just need to do that!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Yes your right they didn’t and he encouraged the protest of the states that didn’t want to when he found out his perceived power was not all encompassing. I just hope our feds have the balls to keep the border semi closed or even less porous than it is now. As much as it seems like we have shut the door on a family member......sometimes you just need to do that!!!!!
Is Canada going watch their hockey teams play all their games in the US?

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
I heard. I do regret that the US couldn't get our act together to enable those kinds of things. 2020 sucks.
No shit huh re 2020 :(. I gotta say this is gonna be our best summer yet for revenue as everyone wants AC as they work or take care of kids at home. But it has brought to light the deplorable conditions of our private senior care homes. The bad stuff far outweighs the few positives but there are the few.


Well-Known Member
No shit huh re 2020 :(. I gotta say this is gonna be our best summer yet for revenue as everyone wants AC as they work or take care of kids at home. But it has brought to light the deplorable conditions of our private senior care homes. The bad stuff far outweighs the few positives but there are the few.
global warming has it's upsides..?


Well-Known Member
No shit huh re 2020 :(. I gotta say this is gonna be our best summer yet for revenue as everyone wants AC as they work or take care of kids at home. But it has brought to light the deplorable conditions of our private senior care homes. The bad stuff far outweighs the few positives but there are the few.
Must be a big demand for improved ventilation systems, I'd be preparing for winter, if I had folks working or shopping indoors, air cleaners might be a big business too. Perhaps designs to channel airflow more safely using modeling etc. I can see this being good for your line of work, indoor spread is the culprit and indoor environments are your thing.

Filters, behaps electrostatic ionizers, UVC sanitation and recirculation and heat exchangers. UVC tubes inside air ducts might be a simple mod that could be effective, there is an evidence base and data to calculate air velocities and UVC minimum exposure for sterilization to determine tube length(s) etc. Most ducts are metal and it should be safe enough for some beaurocrat to ok it, given the circumstances, health Canada could help after a year of spinning their wheels! If ya could score them 8' long UVC tubes mounted in the center of a round 1' or 2' dia ducts should sterilize the shit out of a hurricane blowing by, do the cyper'n! Design an optical safety alarm system for failure too! :D Also baffles to induce turbulent flow before the air hits the lights to reduce velocities! :D Oh and clean the inside of the duct to increase reflectivity and effectiveness...

But figure out if it will work first! Maybe make a model and do some testing etc... :D :D :D :D

Some arrogant fuck telling me how to do my job!:D

I've worked with and for many engineers and tormented a few too! One even changed the sign on my office door to techknuckle officer!

Brings back fun memories from my working days.
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Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
Must be a big demand for improved ventilation systems, I'd be preparing for winter, if I had folks working or shopping indoors, air cleaners might be a big business too. Perhaps designs to channel airflow more safely using modeling etc. I can see this being good for your line of work, indoor spread is the culprit and indoor environments are your thing.

Filters, behaps electrostatic ionizers, UVC sanitation and recirculation and heat exchangers. UVC tubes inside air ducts might be a simple mod that could be effective, there is an evidence base and data to calculate air velocities and UVC minimum exposure for sterilization to determine tube length(s) etc. Most ducts are metal and it should be safe enough for some beaurocrat to ok it, given the circumstances, health Canada could help after a year of spinning their wheels! If ya could score them 8' long UVC tubes mounted in the center of a round 1' or 2' dia ducts should sterilize the shit out of a hurricane blowing by, do the cyper'n! Design an optical safety alarm system for failure too! :D Also baffles to induce turbulent flow before the air hits the lights to reduce velocities! :D Oh and clean the inside of the duct to increase reflectivity and effectiveness...

But figure out if it will work first! Maybe make a model and do some testing etc... :D :D :D :D

Some arrogant fuck telling me how to do my job!:D

I've worked with and for many engineers and tormented a few too! One even changed the sign on my office door to techknuckle officer!

Brings back fun memories from my working days.
Yes we’re doing all of the above ........

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Their entire business model is based on fear mongering, you are right
Fear mongering is the business model of all government which individuals haven't explicitly agreed to be part of.

Every time you mentally masturbate that there is any significant difference in how either party operates, Jesus cries a little bit.