What has Trump done to this country?

Not wanting to pay. And how annoying paywalls are.

It sucked I think more because I would hit so many of them when I didn't have one I trusted as a go-to when I was searching for the information I was looking for.

That was why I got the Washington Post when I started using it here, because I was sick of the paywalls too.
If they regulated and taxed facebook, they could hire thousands of journalist who are laid off and put them into an independent organisation charged with editing content and stomping on disinformation. Provide the structure and filtering we used to have, not the government, an independent organisation with rules, standards and practices, a professional operation, journalism.They can be assisted by whatever technology is required and like all professions would get better at what they do with experience. Facebook has more influence than any broadcaster and your allies are vulnerable to it too, we should also have a voice in tying this fucking monster down, it's an international corporation doing business globally, the globe has a say too. Free speech is an American concept, we have it, but it is not an absolute, neither is shouting fire in a crowded theater in the USA, that's legal precedent in America.
You are right.

I gave up and started paying subscriptions in order to access a few well regarded sources. Then again, we have a family that accesses it, not just one person and I want my kids to be able to just go to a reliable site rather than get stuff from the NY Post. Even Huffington, while accurate is biased.

Free isn't always worth the price. You link to some really dodgy sites some time. Common Dreams, for example. That source is completely unreliable due to strong left-bias. You don't even care if the story is true so long as it matches your bias. Your rants about "Bernie was cheated" and "Corrupt Hillary" were the stuff of epic fake news propaganda. I'd like to bitch about that. But it would fall on your deaf ears. So I won't.

But you are right. It's inconsiderate of others when I post something they can't access. In future, if I find something in WaPO, for example, I'll look for same content in non-paywall to link to here. AP and Reuters are good.
Copy past the first few paragraphs, such stories are structured with the news first and the context after, most know the context here. Provide a link for those who care enough to pay. Win win.
If they regulated and taxed facebook, they could hire thousands of journalist who are laid off and put them into an independent organisation charged with editing content and stomping on disinformation. Provide the structure and filtering we used to have, not the government, an independent organisation with rules, standards and practices, a professional operation, journalism.They can be assisted by whatever technology is required and like all professions would get better at what they do with experience. Facebook has more influence than any broadcaster and your allies are vulnerable to it too, we should also have a voice in tying this fucking monster down, it's an international corporation doing business globally, the globe has a say too. Free speech is an American concept, we have it, but it is not an absolute, neither is shouting fire in a crowded theater in the USA, that's legal precedent in America.
It might be a lot easier for a company like Facebook, but what about a website like this one? It would be very difficult to try to do it.

I don't know how it would actually work is all, I like the ban hammer approach to social media, but I don't think it is possible to put the genie back in the bottle on the internet.

I wish this was the conversation being had right now, about how to fix the problems that Russian has caused for the world using this new weapon (I believe that Snowden smuggled to them in 2013, right before they started their attack on our country) on our citizens.

Something kind of neat I found about it in the EU.
If they regulated and taxed facebook, they could hire thousands of journalist who are laid off and put them into an independent organisation charged with editing content and stomping on disinformation. Provide the structure and filtering we used to have, not the government, an independent organisation with rules, standards and practices, a professional operation, journalism.They can be assisted by whatever technology is required and like all professions would get better at what they do with experience. Facebook has more influence than any broadcaster and your allies are vulnerable to it too, we should also have a voice in tying this fucking monster down, it's an international corporation doing business globally, the globe has a say too. Free speech is an American concept, we have it, but it is not an absolute, neither is shouting fire in a crowded theater in the USA, that's legal precedent in America.

that would make too much sense.
It might be a lot easier for a company like Facebook, but what about a website like this one? It would be very difficult to try to do it.

I don't know how it would actually work is all, I like the ban hammer approach to social media, but I don't think it is possible to put the genie back in the bottle on the internet.

I wish this was the conversation being had right now, about how to fix the problems that Russian has caused for the world using this new weapon (I believe that Snowden smuggled to them in 2013, right before they started their attack on our country) on our citizens.

Something kind of neat I found about it in the EU.

what did he smuggle to them?
Copy past the first few paragraphs, such stories are structured with the news first and the context after, most know the context here. Provide a link for those who care enough to pay. Win win.
I include relevant sections whenever I post so that the reader doesn't need to access the link to get my point. It feels like being censor when the link is to a paysite. A quick search usually finds same relevant material on free sites. The ads suck though. Also, when a site is free then you are the product and not the customer. As hannimal said, you never know what they do with visitor information. Still though, I think schuy is right. I think I'll try posting from free sites whenever I can.
It might be a lot easier for a company like Facebook, but what about a website like this one? It would be very difficult to try to do it.

I don't know how it would actually work is all, I like the ban hammer approach to social media, but I don't think it is possible to put the genie back in the bottle on the internet.

I wish this was the conversation being had right now, about how to fix the problems that Russian has caused for the world using this new weapon (I believe that Snowden smuggled to them in 2013, right before they started their attack on our country) on our citizens.

Something kind of neat I found about it in the EU.
Only applies after a certain threshold of public influence, this place is free for us to police, it is not a highly automated platform like facebook that is run by algorithms, we have the great God @potroast and he his wise and mighty! Oh ye of little faith!
The mound was too steep and slippery.
Edit: After all, it is ten inches high.
If the stadium was full like in normal times the booing would be like fucking thunder and I doubt he would get out of old Yankee stadium alive without the US army and even then the troops would lack enthusiasm, even the generals, airborne and green berets would be confused as to which side to fight for. They call them donnybrooks for a reason though, Donald is usually in the middle of it stirring up the shit. :D
because I was sick of the paywalls too.

I just go into the FireFox settings and remove whichever paywall place cookies I want to read and get another free article or more. Some have a few cookies and the tracking one may not have their name on it so sorting by date and taking out all the newest ones does the trick.

FF is set to remove all but protected cookies when I shut it down. I just have a few protected like my banks and emails so I'm not getting security checks every time I want to log on to them.

Last time I bought a paper it was $3.55 FFS! No more.

what did he smuggle to them?
From this article:
Joel Melstad, a spokesman for the counterintelligence center, said five U.S. intelligence agencies contributed to the latest damage assessment, which itself is highly classified. Melstad said damage has been observed or verified in five categories of information the U.S. government keeps classified to protect national security.

According to Melstad, Snowden-disclosed documents have put U.S. personnel or facilities at risk around the world, damaged intelligence collection efforts, exposed tools used to amass intelligence, destabilized U.S. partnerships abroad and exposed U.S. intelligence operations, capabilities and priorities.

“With each additional disclosure, the damage is compounded — providing more detail to what our adversaries have already learned,” Melstad said.

Steven Aftergood, a declassification expert at the Federation of American Scientists, said he thinks intelligence agencies are continuing to do Snowden damage assessments because the disclosures’ relevance to foreign targets might take time to recognize and understand. He said the way that intelligence targets adapt based on information revealed and the impact on how the U.S. collects intelligence could continue for years. But he said that any damage that Snowden caused to U.S. intelligence partners abroad would have been felt immediately after the disclosures began in 2013.

Basically the ability to mass collect every scrap of data to plug into computers to work out personality profiles on each and everyone of us and use their combination of trolls and AI to push the propaganda that they have been building for years online against us.

Which parts the Russian military took from Snowden, and which they already had in use, I don't think that they were just grasping at straws when immediately after they took possession of Snowden and the data sticks of all the NSA files, they sent Russian spies to our country to start their social media blitzkrieg on us.
Liberalism ended this bullshit long ago in it's heartland, it was born out of fear of revolution as exemplified by the earlier revolutions in England and subsequent ones in America and France bolstered it. During the American revolution deals were cut in Canada with conquered Quebec guaranteeing langue and religious rights as well as a legal system and legislature, a compromise was made, liberalism. They didn't join America, good thing too or you'd have another big fucking problem!

Liberals ended slavery, even those who were slaveholders like Jefferson, the spirit was willing but the flesh was weak, he was a spendthrift and not very good with money. He liked black people though, at least Sally Hemings, no word on whether she liked him, but Tom was a pretty good looking guy and an interesting fellow, so ya never know, they sure had a lot of kids together though. In the end Jefferson's ideals won, but today all of his family descendants sit at the family table, even if some are eating crow. Many "white" Americans might also be surprised at their recent encounter with genetic diversity.

Liberals or those under their orders had the Royal Navy patrol the Atlantic starting in 1811, to stamp out the Atlantic slave trade. They were called liberals then too and they made new laws that covered more people, they led, some like Lincoln were even bigots (by today's standards). Slavery degrades the owner more than the slave, the slave is a victim of callauness and greed, sometimes lust.

A new DNA study offers insight into the horrific story of the trans-Atlantic slave trade

(CNN)Much of what we know about the horrors of slavery in the Americas comes from historical records. But new research shows that evidence of the slave trade's atrocities can also be found in the DNA of African Americans.
A study conducted by the consumer genetics company 23andMe, published Thursday in the American Journal of Human Genetics, offers some new insight into the consequences of the trans-Atlantic slave trade, from the scale at which enslaved Black women were raped by their White masters to the less-documented slave trade that occurred within the Americas.
It's one of the largest studies of its kind, thanks in part to the massive database of 23andMe customers that researchers were able to recruit consenting participants from.
awseome article by Stephen King in 2017:

I decided to convene six Trump voters to discover how and why all this happened. Because I selected them from the scores of make-believe people always bouncing around in my head (sometimes their chatter is enough to drive me bugshit), I felt perfectly OK feeding them powerful truth serum before officially convening the round table. And because they are fictional – my creatures – they all agreed to this. They gulped the serum down in Snapple iced tea, and half an hour later we began. My panelists were..
