That rudeboi og tho i sent them a message asking about their Meat Breath if it was hunted bye them or someone else's cut and it is from BSF which isn't a bad thing or anything just not what i wanted to hear .
How did those Socal seed vault gear turn out? I've seen them on strainly with some good looking stuff for a good price.
I’ve got most of those outside right now in a guerilla grow, looking good so far. I really like SSV, good prices and plenty of freebies and great communication, solid dude.
That rudeboi og tho i sent them a message asking about their Meat Breath if it was hunted bye them or someone else's cut and it is from BSF which isn't a bad thing or anything just not what i wanted to hear .
I haven’t much experience with BSF selections, but compared to the available packs of meat breath it’s a reasonable trial. I’m biding my time either way, the sample of meat breath I got a while ago came from a dispo that shares their cuts so it’s just a matter of time but this could be a descent cut, time will tell. Sure beats the cut I had before, which was none.
I haven’t much experience with BSF selections, but compared to the available packs of meat breath it’s a reasonable trial. I’m biding my time either way, the sample of meat breath I got a while ago came from a dispo that shares their cuts so it’s just a matter of time but this could be a descent cut, time will tell. Sure beats the cut I had before, which was none.
Oh i didn't know you even bought it boss i was just hoping for a cut that wasn't as circulated is all was hoping but alas not to be was in no way trying to talk bad about Pinkbox they got back to me within 48 hr's so overall i cant say anything bad about them.
I know you’re looking for that one in 1 million cut, and probably have to as that’s the way the game plays. I’m just trying to have full jars of fine medicine and entertain a chuck or two. Thanks for the courtesy though brother!
Anyone please have a reference to decent fem sativa seeds under 50bux from breeder in strainly thanks.
Im not sure if anyone has experience for clones to NV
I know you’re looking for that one in 1 million cut, and probably have to as that’s the way the game plays. I’m just trying to have full jars of fine medicine and entertain a chuck or two. Thanks for the courtesy though brother!
All good bro and i highly doubted it was a one & 1 million for $50 usd but hey idk you never know could of been one they hunted and it could be just as good as the ones i paid $600 to $1500 for you never know it's why i inquired about it .

I mean Pink Box has some very good prices boss on some cuts i know for fact others charge much much more for so as long as they are legit and can be verified IE you can tell me whom you received said cuts from then it's all gravy if they can't then it's my policy to not buy or trade with them .

Most People seem to forget the whole reason why we started Naming cuts to begin with is so the cut could be verified like i got it from said person ie the source or this person who is cool with this cat who traded with this cat who got it from the source. A lot of old school cats never even wanted their cut sold or to be in certain peoples hand's just ask Cap
Exclusivities are for the black market. As we push to legality we would have our hands on the very finest cannabis ever known if we could put away this sort of thinking for a while at least. I just wish there was more discipline in selecting. It’s a self deprecating process because the pressure to have the most exclusive cut outweighs true breeding building blocks.

In the day we actually avoided naming anything because it was a way to track it back.
That really sucks to hear! He seems pretty nonchalant about things though and he does a lot of volume. There’s a couple cuts I have asked for and he keeps tapping around it but I haven’t paid him anything for those yet. I’d be bumming if he ripped me though. I’m sorry man!
That really sucks to hear! He seems pretty nonchalant about things though and he does a lot of volume. There’s a couple cuts I have asked for and he keeps tapping around it but I haven’t paid him anything for those yet. I’d be bumming if he ripped me though. I’m sorry man!
I agree and that's why I gave him some time because I know things happen and trying to fill orders can be a hassle not to mention countless other things I probably couldnt imagine but at the same time 4 months of waiting?
I am still waiting on my order from ATG going on four months now keeps making excuses. He did offer some freebies but still recieved nothin

I've ordered from ATG. He has great service, but he lags, and makes excuses. Had to wait for over 3 months to get an order completed that he messed up initially. He made it right with a few freebies, and what not. I'm sure he's just a really busy person. Seems like a good guy..

I've ordered from ATG. He has great service, but he lags, and makes excuses. Had to wait for over 3 months to get an order completed that he messed up initially. He made it right with a few freebies, and what not. I'm sure he's just a really busy person. Seems like a good guy..

I agree he does seem like a good honest guy he has stayed in contact throught out the whole time and as I stated I understand things can't happen and he can get behind or even running a big operation like he does can get be difficult and get behind he has mentioned some really rare cuts as freebies but 3-4 months really puts me and my garden behind this is 2nd go now of me running other strains then what I had wanted and I could have put in a second order by now lol
I agree he does seem like a good honest guy he has stayed in contact throught out the whole time and as I stated I understand things can't happen and he can get behind or even running a big operation like he does can get be difficult and get behind he has mentioned some really rare cuts as freebies but 3-4 months really puts me and my garden behind this is 2nd go now of me running other strains then what I had wanted and I could have put in a second order by now lol
The thing is people only buying 2 to 3 clones seem to get thrown on the back burner when cats are buying full trays and they take the cuts you paid for to fill another cat's order .
Either that or he could be trying to get rid of pest's Spider Mites etc etc he's also on the cheaper side with his cuts and i have been told by those i trust his cuts are legit that right their is half the battle.

Hope he comes threw for you soon sucks to wait on cuts believe you me i know all to well.
Exclusivities are for the black market. As we push to legality we would have our hands on the very finest cannabis ever known if we could put away this sort of thinking for a while at least. I just wish there was more discipline in selecting. It’s a self deprecating process because the pressure to have the most exclusive cut outweighs true breeding building blocks.

In the day we actually avoided naming anything because it was a way to track it back.

I agree with the philosophy, but I think it's optimistic. Legalization means entry into the public marketplace. Most services and goods in the marketplace are in competition with other providers. Exclusivity is a natural outgrowth of competition. Brands want exclusive products, services, styles, technologies, etc., all the time in almost every market, even if the 'exclusivity' is just the lowest price or the prettiest logo/building. Consumers have to be incentivized to choose you over the competition, and most consumers do want to feel like they're getting something hot, unique, or for the best price. There are consumers out there (like myself) who are incentivized enough by simply supporting a moral and hardworking company, but this is the minority for sure. It's ok to want exclusive genes imo, so long as it doesn't mean lying, cheating, stealing, etc.