It's not just that Trump overwhelmed a liberal constitutional democracy with corruption, treason and criminality. It's that he had the full throated support of one of the two political parties and of a near majority of Americans. He still retains the support of the GOP and it's base in spite of being openly corrupt, a criminal and an incompetent, as are many in his cabinet. This has led to dire consequences for the nation and an impediment to adaptive social change, which is manifesting its self in the streets of America. There are over 150,000 dead and many times more than that maimed for life because of dereliction of duty, malicious criminal incompetence and mismanagement of national resources in dealing with the covid pandemic.
All nations who are America's peers and many who are poor and underdeveloped have managed this pandemic far better than Trump's America, In America the epidemic is still raging, growing and spreading, especially in those red states who took their advice from Dr. Trump (Trump U) and not Dr. Fauci.
The democrats had political considerations and allowed this to persist, they had little choice, the only way to end it and save the country was to think strategically. Put off accountability until before the election, impeachment didn't work and then disaster struck with covid, the republicans mistake in not removing him became catastrophic and obvious. Covid disrupted everything, including congress, it disrupted Donald's path to victory by suppressing the vote, cheating and getting Russian help, it is now too big to rig. Donald shattered the solid south like a delicate vase, fumbled and dropped onto a marble floor, the red states in the south are being ravaged by covid, every GOP stronghold is suffering bigly and will continue to.
It looks like Donald is gonna lose a bunch of red states and might take a few extra republican senators with him, perhaps more than expected. The cook political report is expecting at least 20 more seats for the Dems, Donald is fucked, it's all over but the whining, bitching and thrashing about. Donald's only choice now is to try and force the GOP senate to support and acquit Barr, with another evidence free trial, right before the election, yeah Mitch will be right on it!