What has Trump done to this country?


Well-Known Member
the key- he can't do anything without him..he needs to be gone..some how, some way
They will impeach him and see if the senate wants another evidence free trial. If he resists another subpoena by the house he will be arrested by his own security and delivered to the hot seat, where he will be remanded to a DC city jail. If they invoke the inherent power, they might as well clean out the WH of documents too, Bill will resign most likely, but he will still have to show for hearings.

They are not gonna let this desperate criminal run lose during election season, that would be stupid.


Well-Known Member
i have a feeling if he's around after 1/21..walls are not going to stop us from storming the WH.
Things don't happen in a vacuum. Pro Trump gun nuts will find a welcome in Lafayette square, the Mall, the Ellipse and will form a pasty, inbred, undereducated cordon around the White House.

A lot depends on the election. It must be a blowout.

If it isn't, all hell will break loose. The only thing to do would be to claim emergency powers.

I've seen this before. It always ends badly.


Well-Known Member
Things don't happen in a vacuum. Pro Trump gun nuts will find a welcome in Lafayette square, the Mall, the Ellipse and will form a pasty, inbred, undereducated cordon around the White House.

A lot depends on the election. It must be a blowout.

If it isn't, all hell will break loose. The only thing to do would be to claim emergency powers.

I've seen this before. It always ends badly.
Worst case scenario they would be mowing down peaceful protesters like grass on TV. It will be a blow out, a big one, keep the faith


Well-Known Member
I was surprised the dems were not doing better in OH, covid never bit hard enough thanks to the rare sensible GOP gov, atypical though
I liked the last one better. But this one doesn't suck.

Biden signs outnumbering Trump signs here. They voted over 70% for Trump. 85+ without the college. I doubt Trump breaks 60% this time.
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Well-Known Member
His supporters may start a mail bombing or fake bio attack with powder in envelopes. He will tell them publicly, but is too stupid to think of it. Once Barr is gone Donald is finished, he won't find another doggie before the election.
he's going to tell us what his next 'component' to be 'activated' will be.


Well-Known Member
Am I missing something? Where is Barr going?
He will be impeached and tried with in a month two max, if the senate acquit him the house will invoke inherent powers and subpoena him arrest him for contempt of congress and remand him to a DC city jail until next year, where they will drop the charges when the new DOJ comes up with something better in court.


Well-Known Member
I liked the last one better. But this one doesn't suck.
Suicide monkeys that are sufficiently qualified are rarer than you think. For this kind of work good help is hard to find, given the current situation.

I'll bet Bill never figured it would end up like this, sucked in by a moron over nothing


Well-Known Member
I watched him commit perjury on national TV, that alone is enough to charge him with contempt, perjury for sure. Let the senate have another evidence free trial, they won't do it for him, he is gone, but will resign before like Nixon.
Pffft. Nothing ever happens of these things these days. We're in la la land. Abuse of power is now patriotism - the last refuge of scoundrels.


Well-Known Member
A typical day in Trump world. When will she replace Faci?
Maybe there is something to her theory, perhaps she is so sick because she swallowed a lot of alien sperm?


Well-Known Member
Pffft. Nothing ever happens of these things these days. We're in la la land. Abuse of power is now patriotism - the last refuge of scoundrels.
This is opening rounds Baldrick, Billy will be back for another visit one way or another, I hope he refuses to appear, that would be a mistake, no impeachment required and the WH and DOJ cleaned out of documents, in for a penny, in for a pound. Why do you think he consented to appear? He knew if he didn't, they would invoke inherent powers and his security would drag him there next week along with documents.


Well-Known Member
I liked the last one better. But this one doesn't suck.

Biden signs outnumbering Trump signs here. They voted over 70% for Trump. 85+ without the college. I doubt Trump breaks 60% this time.
Lincoln Project said one of their goals is to flip Ohio..what do you think?


Well-Known Member
I watched him commit perjury on national TV, that alone is enough to charge him with contempt, perjury for sure. Let the senate have another evidence free trial, they won't do it for him, he is gone, but will resign before like Nixon.
agreed...waiting on Nancy.