5x white budda lowryder's, 1x mixed lowryder

learing the ways

Well-Known Member
well it did spread on to 1 of the leaves on the next set. but it seems to still be growing strong and showing plenty of signs of new growth so im hopefull.


Well-Known Member
there looking good now learing,

bout the same size as my younger ones.

you should have them sexed any day now if they show as early as mine did.

learing the ways

Well-Known Member
thanx fyfe, yer i got my suspicions that the biggest 1 is male, coz that was the only seed not feminised and i think it gona be male. im getting my 200w 2700k envirolight tomoz wondered wen u guys think i should stick these ladies under them?? thanx all.


Well-Known Member
i think they could go under it anytime mate.

i dont see a reason why not anyway, they will enjoy more light :hump:

uk WeeD

Well-Known Member
lol u got the same pots as me :lol:

ye put them under the 2700k light soon as, changed my light a couple of days ago and they just shot up, white pubes sprouting everywhere on the bitches :lol:

learing the ways

Well-Known Member
lol, thanx peeps. well im up nice and earley as i got alot of things being done in my appartment today, hopefully light will get here earley and i can get my babies under it.will 24hrs of light still be ok with the flowering light???

learing the ways

Well-Known Member
24/7 with the small cfls. recieved my light bout 10 mins ago fucking bulb has cracks init so now i gota send it back,wait for them to piss around a bit and then they gona send a working 1 back.


Well-Known Member
Oh, thats a bit crap eh. id demand they send two in replacement because of the delay youve already had waiting for it, and for their incompetance in not packing it properly so it doesnt get broken.

And id demand payment for replacement seeds too, tell them your seedlings have all stretched too far now to be worth growing because you had to wait so long for the more powerfull light, crikey i mean most places get your stuff to you within 48hrs these days because they know growers are depending on the equipment ordered.

But anyway im an awkward fucker when it comes to stuff like that and i love to kick up a stink if they dont do what they say lol

Yea just run the new light on the same light cycle as your doing at the mo, although i thought 18/6 or 20/4 was the best light regimine for LR's and LR crosses start to finish?


Well-Known Member
the joint doctor himself states that lowryders grow best under 18/6 but will happily do 20/4 or 24/0.

learing the ways

Well-Known Member
yer thats wat i read,im guessing it just depends on how the grower gets ther best results. i will defo be experimenting with many diferent types of everythink b4 i decide wat is for me.


Well-Known Member
I think youl be happier on 18/6 ;-)

I tried going 24/0 for veg years ago and i found my plants grew slower and never looked happy, alot goes on in its dark period and IMHO the plant needs it.

But yea youl find your own mediums, thats what its all about, what works for one person may not work at all for others ;-)

Your not going to grow LR crosses forever tho are you?

learing the ways

Well-Known Member
na, ive been looking into other types of plants for a while. its just i only have 3foot max really in height, so flowering would have to take place at an earley stage wen the plants are like 12 inches or so. i just dont know if it will be better to stick with lr's or move on to bigger and better things. help a girl out .


Well-Known Member
Yea thats alright, you can induce flower early on pretty much all strains, some even grow really well on 12/12 from seed and still finish a couple of feet tall, id just grow normal strains and flower at around 10" for indica dominant stocky bushey strains and even shorter for sativa doms maybe at around 6" tall, and you can always top them, and tie them down if they get too tall ;-)

Youl be really missing out on what great strains there are out there if you limit yourself to growing just LR crosses :-)

learing the ways

Well-Known Member
yer that was wat i was thinking you see.say if i added 2 silver kush seeds into my grow now grew them to say 10" and put all the plants under 12/12 will the lowryders be ok with this amount of light or will they suffer????


Well-Known Member
They will suffer, youl lose out on yield.

Id start your new seeds in there when the LR crosses are about 2-3weeks from finish, then drop the light to 12/12 and flower them once the LR's are out ;-)