Branch snapped off , help !


Well-Known Member
Oh man I’m so bummed out :(
Today one of my main branches broke off completely watched it happen before my eyes everything went slow

I got some paper tape ASAP,
I put it together best I could wrappped it firm with tape around the area it snapped used some thin rope on the upper part of the plant tied off too a bamboo stick for support ..
this picture is before it happend .
But basically one of those large branches completely snapped off

Any chance it might make it ? Hopefully reattach itself ? Any advice would help and a relief A9644A25-CA9A-4B22-B383-AB906258B66E.jpegThe branch completely snapped off. Will it affect the rest of the plant ?
U did what u could it happens to the best of us next time I would recommend honey or aloe Vera then wrap it up and brace it like u did and if lucky and plant is healthy won’t skip a beat and you will have a nice knuckle and even stronger branch
U did what u could it happens to the best of us next time I would recommend honey or aloe Vera then wrap it up and brace it like u did and if lucky and plant is healthy won’t skip a beat and you will have a nice knuckle and even stronger branch

yeah it’s all I could do before it got dark , I Can possibly undo the taping , seal it with honey and retape maybe with some duct tape better? It was pretty clean snap so I was able to get it together pretty good. Thanks For the input.
yeah it’s all I could do before it got dark , I Can possibly undo the taping , seal it with honey and retape maybe with some duct tape better? It was pretty clean snap so I was able to get it together pretty good. Thanks For the input.
I snapped a branch in early flower. It was hanging on by a thread. I tied it up to another branch and it healed perfectly. No tape. No honey. No nothing. The leaves were droopy on that branch for a day or two but then she perked right up and kept on flowering.
Everything you've heard here is the case. Sometimes they break off and heal up. Sometimes they don't. Any missing branch just redirects the available energy to the rest of the plant and in the end whether the branch heals or not it will all usually be about the same.
i just went ahead and took off the branch i dont its not worth the effort , it branched off towards the base where it snapped . ill still have good number coilas to work with.