LED grow lights or T5


Well-Known Member
Some of the newer LED fixtures are adding UV and in some cases far red too. Sadly the meme from the computer industry applies to LEDs ... If you can buy at retail it is, by definition, obsolete.
what ther are calling uv is near UV (405nm). there is no evedence that this has the same effect of UVA you still need a MH or T5 bulb to get useful UV


Well-Known Member
Or Agromax bulbs ... Power veg / Pure par / Pure UV . Etc.

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these are another good option to mix with 6500k https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00FQ87DP6/?coliid=I2GA9WD8U48GW9&colid=AW7UKM9ED6GM&psc=1&ref_=lv_ov_lig_dp_it. been using them for 5 years and see a slight improvement in yeild with no decline in taste or potency.4000k bridgelux strips produced the same yeild as T5s with only 60% of the power.but 7 weeks into flowering I was not seeing as much sugar as my T5s so i added a small UVA bulb and the problem cleared up. plants grown with LEDS have needs I have not seen with T5s so require a little more care and research to identify and fix problems unique to LEDs. in my situation I PREFER T5s and don't mind giving up a little quantity for a little better quality. in my situation T5s are a cost effective option to meet my medical needs and the growing variaty of horticultural bulbs designed for flowering suggest a strong interest in growing full cycle with T5s. 10 years ago T5s were the hot grow light and they grow as well today as they did back then just stay away from hydro stores and buy good quality commercial grade fixture and you will get a better,mre reliable fixture and much longer bulb life for less money