Not sprouting while using rockwool cubes?


Active Member
What's up yall. Hope all is well. I'm a new grower and was wondering if anyone can help me with some questions.

It's been about 3 weeks since i've put them in rockwool cubes.

1) I germinated using distilled water.

2) They sprouted

3) I put them in rockwool cubes and water them every day with distilled water

4) Been about 3.5 weeks and no sprouting as of yet. I've been patient but I think I might be losing them?

What am I doing wrong?

Should they be at a certain temperature?

Should I nute them?

Keep them under light?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Well-Known Member
lol 3.5 weeks??? Haha sorry but have you ever grown anything before? They've obviously just rotted from being too wet or something along those lines. Once a seed has popped after soaking it will take a maximum of a week to show its head. You'll have to start over i'm afraid. I have no experience of germing seeds in rockwool, you may find it easier to get them to germ in soil. Was this going to be a hydro setup then?


Active Member
lol 3.5 weeks??? Haha sorry but have you ever grown anything before? They've obviously just rotted from being too wet or something along those lines. Once a seed has popped after soaking it will take a maximum of a week to show its head. You'll have to start over i'm afraid. I have no experience of germing seeds in rockwool, you may find it easier to get them to germ in soil. Was this going to be a hydro setup then?
ahh yes it was...

Never grown before. With that being said, I will start over.

But what are some recommendations from when it germinates to the sprouting process. I've been told different things. Put them under a light, put them in a dark place. Temperate? nutrients? :wall:


Well-Known Member
you watered em every day????? well theirs your problem you just rotted that baby

keep the temp comfy 72-78 degrees wet your rockwool shake some eccess water out put a seed in a glass of water b4 bed in a warm place next day put it in rockwool on a plate or somthing that will let it fully drain and not sit in water

i put em under weak fkorecent light 24/0 til they sprout but they really dont need it till they are above ground(medium )


Well-Known Member
I always use the same method and have had pretty much 100% success with seeds that have shown a taproot after soaking for approx 24 hrs. I place each seed in a small party cup half filled with soil (not compacted). Cover the seed with about a cm of soil and LIGHTLY compact the soil on top. I then give each cup a fairly generous soak and cover with clingfilm. Place the cups under some low light (couple of cfls is ideal) and they should not require any more juice until they have shown their heads. Soon as they show remove the clingfilm and let them grow for a few days before transplanting. Gl


Well-Known Member

After three and a half weeks, I'm afraid they are toast. One thing to keep in mind is the direction that you put the seeds into the rockwool cubes. The side that has opened and produced a white stalk should be facing down, as that will be the root. You should keep the seeds on a strict 18/6 light cycle, and the temperature should be relatively warm (~75ºF). Also, it is important to keep the rockwool cubes saturated with water until you see the sprouts poking out of the top.

Stay away from nutes while they are that young. Wait at least a week after they sprout up to begin nute regiments. Good luck.



Well-Known Member
I'm assuming that you may already have purchased the gear for your hydro setup. However if you haven't already i would strongly advise trying a soil grow first. Soil is a lot more forgiving and will still give you awesome results if you use the info that is available to you. Definitely give my sprouting method a go if ur not tied into a hydro setup, it will give you results!


Well-Known Member
I'm assuming that you may already have purchased the gear for your hydro setup. However if you haven't already i would strongly advise trying a soil grow first. Soil is a lot more forgiving and will still give you awesome results if you use the info that is available to you. Definitely give my sprouting method a go if ur not tied into a hydro setup, it will give you results!
i dont understand why everyone wants to do a first grow with hydro... gotta crawl b 4 you walk ...