no one ever argued with you that going in series isnt the best option.
while you cant hardly aruge vs thousands using parallel only strips/boards lights with good results, as the matching is simply good enough for our needs, it far away from your 0.72V difference.
i am a fan of series wiring myself, the problem is more that people tend to understand parallel wiring easier, also it means a safe to play with voltage.
so you will find even technical very experienced people here recommending going all parallel.
some even use parallel only as its easier to expand later on with more strips in any number they want.
in the end anyone needs to decide for himself.
this topic leads to endless discussions here and isnt helping the OP.
the OP need a driver option he can buy, working with the strips he bought and it is pratically completly fine to use 2 strips in parallel and more.
btw.. i completly overlooked beside all this that there are 2 feet strips ordered now, thats fine!
btw makes the discussion obsoltete anyway.
XLG-150-L, same driver as before, 10 2 feet in series,, 10x19V, is okish high voltage for me,
otherwise all in parallel with the H driver, or the HLG 120 C700 AB if you can find it and are ok with less watt for a little more money.