Root Rot or solution buildup? First time hydro


Well-Known Member
Hey and thanks for checking this out... I have some concerns for the health of my plant based on what the roots look like but the growth of the plant tells me otherwise.
I have a 3 gal "dwc" grow that's 3 weeks in. Growth has been amazing and the plant looks healthy as could be from the outside. ( recently did a load of trimming )
I am using the fox farm trio(hydro solution) + UC roots and a water chiller to keep the water no warmer than 68f at all times and I check PH daily and change the solution weekly. The big bloom solution turns the water quite brown as you can see in the photo so I am hoping that's the reason for my darker roots but I cant be sure without outside help.. The roots do not seem to be slimy at all and like I said the plant is growing great so far. They are just dark and getting me concerned =(. They have been like that since real root growth started but as the ball gets bigger the more it stand out. Thanks!



Well-Known Member
I know you have a chiller but you need something for root rot.Preventive is so much easier then try to fight it.


Well-Known Member
I know you have a chiller but you need something for root rot.Preventive is so much easier then try to fight it.
Root rot doesn't get going in chilled nutes. I used peroxide for my first 30 DWC grows from 2001 on then made a DIY chiller out of a water cooler and kept temps between 65 - 68F and never bothered with peroxide again for the last 20 grows or so



Well-Known Member
You should be fine. You can throw some hydro guard in to be safe but with the chiller and those temps and bubbles you should be ok. Wish I could have told you to forgot all that nonsense and just grow in a pot with medium and get the same results, but you're hooked now.


Well-Known Member
Don't use the big bloom in hydro, it's organic and organics don't mix with hydro well
I'm not sure what organics are in that but I used Big Bud which has some amino acids in it that are organic in nature and never had issues.

For sure don't use carbs like molasses in DWC or all hell can break loose. Especially when using something like HydroGuard as it feeds those beneficials and their populations explode and can really gum up the works.


Well-Known Member
Root rot doesn't get going in chilled nutes. I used peroxide for my first 30 DWC grows from 2001 on then made a DIY chiller out of a water cooler and kept temps between 65 - 68F and never bothered with peroxide again for the last 20 grows or so

Root rot can happen at any temp. Sure it’s less likely with cooler temps. But it’s still possible