Stray dogs destroying my crop

Update. I shot each of those bitches probably 3 times each. My dobermans got better. One still comes back but got his ass handed to him by my dobbermen. He aint so tough with out his 4 brothers ganging up on my baby. This did the trick mabe there owners learned to confined there dogs. They are all the same breed. So i think they all belong to that owner.
By now id probably shot each of them twice. They still come back
If your going to shoot them make it quick you loser, don’t injure them.

that’s sad, I’d hurt a person with no regrets but i could never hurt a animal.....
I hope they catch you for animal cruelty.
All for some plants
Don't kill them or harm them in any way, and don't leave your dog in the yard, whether or not she is in heat. That's a danger to your pet, in many places. Even large birds can be a threat to small dogs.
Solution: get real dogs....they tend to kill small animals if/when attacked.
If your going to shoot them make it quick you loser, don’t injure them.

that’s sad, I’d hurt a person with no regrets but i could never hurt a animal.....
I hope they catch you for animal cruelty.
All for some plants
Better yet, Get a shotgun and load shells with powder/glitter...there’s a good chance they won’t come back based on the noise and shock of being covered in glitter. sounds like he’s using an air gun as there is literally no chance a dog comes back to where it gets shot 3 times with anything high enough caliber to penetrate.
Better yet, Get a shotgun and load shells with powder/glitter...there’s a good chance they won’t come back based on the noise and shock of being covered in glitter. sounds like he’s using an air gun as there is literally no chance a dog comes back to where it gets shot 3 times with anything high enough caliber to penetrate.
The pellets are lead, and the dogs would their a female dog around their dominance would drive them back
Could you try shooting them with rock salt instead of pellets? Not sure which would hurt worse but I would try to inflict maximum pain. That being said if I saw any dogs hurting my baby I would probably rather kill them
If your going to shoot them make it quick you loser, don’t injure them.

that’s sad, I’d hurt a person with no regrets but i could never hurt a animal.....
I hope they catch you for animal cruelty.
All for some plants

Look man i dont care if they killed my crop. They attacked my dogs on multiple occasions. I hope one day you get ganged up with 1/4 of your face bitten off. Its so easy to say what you say. Id pop your dogs too if they came on my land and did that. And if you came on my land if kick your ass for letting your dog run loose.
theres poeple whom killed dogs for attacking theirs and no charges pressed. Honestly i dont wanna kill them. I want thier owners to learn if they keep letting them roam unsupervised. Expect more pellets.
Could you try shooting them with rock salt instead of pellets? Not sure which would hurt worse but I would try to inflict maximum pain. That being said if I saw any dogs hurting my baby I would probably rather kill them

That would be too loud. I dont wanna attract attention which is why i use pellets. Plus i dont have a shot gun.
Solution: get real dogs....they tend to kill small animals if/when attacked.
My dobbermen is fully grown. The issue is thoes stray work in a pack. They havs numbers on their side. 5 mixed pitbulls. I only have 2 large dogs. And 1 maltipoo. And 1 in heat.
The fact of the matter is that they wouldn't attack your dogs if your dogs were protected with a proper fence.

Of course I would protect my dog, but I also wouldn't leave my dog out like bait, and then start shooting wild animals.
The fact of the matter is that they wouldn't attack your dogs if your dogs were protected with a proper fence.

Of course I would protect my dog, but I also wouldn't leave my dog out like bait, and then start shooting wild animals.

Here the deal. I work for someome. Its not my land. He hired his brother to do the fence. His lazy pos brother didnt do shit. Had me doing everything. I have no call on doing anything except growing. With that being said i will be here untill end of year then im going to buy my own place were i will properly secure it. But intill then. I will pop thoes mother fckers.
Best way to handle this is to get the strays trapped and taken to a shelter. i work with a lot of rescue organizations so please reach out to me so we can safely and humanely solve the issue for you
Best way to handle this is to get the strays trapped and taken to a shelter. i work with a lot of rescue organizations so please reach out to me so we can safely and humanely solve the issue for you
Lately i havent been seeing them. Perhaps the owners took action and comfined there dogs. Or my dog is pregnant and theres no point in coming back.
By the way thats an awsome Doberman you have there. Is it mixed?

Honestly he’s a rescue, so we don’t really know but I assume he’s a full bred. He’s been on a few magazine and has done some clothing catalogs and he always gets tons of attention. But who know lol
I hope they catch you for animal cruelty.
All for some plants

100... shooting them with pellets is no longer defense, it's cruelty. The fact you're hyped to share it is disturbing. Be a man, track the owner down and handle it. Be a man, involve animal control to find a solution. Be a man, not a irresponsible pussy shooting defenseless dogs with pellets for them being drawn to your dog in heat which is their natural behavior.