Yellow spots starting to show up on fan leaf


This is my first grow in probably 20 years and back then I was growing Mexican dirt weed out side. But anyway I have a few autoflowers going and I noticed a yellow spot at the tip of a fan leaf and then today noticed another spot on the same leaf. My question is is this normal with autoflowers is the fan leaf just dying off? Im at 4 weeks from seed and plant seems to be thriving. The plant seems healthy and happy other then these spots. I haven’t seen any bugs and a treated my closet with Diatomaceous earth before I put pots in and then treated top of soil with it about 2 weeks into grow just to make sure if bugs showed up the plants would have something to fight them off. Any help would be much appreciated.



While looking under leafs for bugs I found another leaf with damage. I haven’t spotted any bugs as of yet.
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Well-Known Member
Lucky for you that there are no bugs! I wouldn't worry about the little burned leaves, just keep giving the plants the right values and they'll grow over it.


Well-Known Member
you dont have enough drainage or aeration in your coco... probably overwatering or not letting your pots dry out enough before watering/feeding