G13 Photoperiod First Grow

planted June 27th
topped and LST July 14th (too soon, it was like a micro top, my bad)
fucked with LST for two more days than removed.

Feeding Big Booms and Buds 15ml grow 15ml bloom and 30ml homemade cal mag per gallon of tap water. PH is between 5.5 and 6
Mistakes were made... seems like I fed her too damn much (I read somewhere G13 specifically likes a heavy feed), she got too Nitrogen heavy so I'm assuming I should not be starting with the recommended feeding schedule for regular plants and just calibrate my own or mirror another brand that is cannabis specific. Also is the shiny from heat damage? Will that sad and wilted part affect the healthy growth of the rest of the plant? She is photo period and I had her on a 18:6 schedule for the first 3 weeks and then switched to 24 hours for half of week 4. I switched her back to 18:6 today and fed her plain water. Help me not kill my plant and get her on a routine that won't kill her... any advice, suggestions, similar experiences helpful! (Don't mind her sister in the background)

edit:i don't mind if she is in veg forever to recover... im just learning from good ole YT and getting my feet wet.

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well its just me, myself and I here until someone tells me I'm in the wrong place. Anyhoo I halved her food and been giving her more plain water days and she is loving the rest period back and not being on the 24 hour light schedule. she responded so well to the defoliation that I just topped her again when I saw the new colas were big enough to pop off in the center of all 4 quads here. I expect in a few days or so she will be ready for a wee bit more lst... I'm not sure what the plan is after that than to let her grow while her little sister catches up so I can flower them together


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well its just me, myself and I here until someone tells me I'm in the wrong place. Anyhoo I halved her food and been giving her more plain water days and she is loving the rest period back and not being on the 24 hour light schedule. she responded so well to the defoliation that I just topped her again when I saw the new colas were big enough to pop off in the center of all 4 quads here. I expect in a few days or so she will be ready for a wee bit more lst... I'm not sure what the plan is after that than to let her grow while her little sister catches up so I can flower them together
It looks ok. Only advice i can offer is to give it a break with the lst, defoliation, etc and just let it grow till it has enough leaves to support faster growth. Few leaves = slow growth. In coco you should be watering multiple times a day till you get a good amount off runoff out of the pot.
Good Luck :leaf:
So I made more mistakes but damn if she doesn’t always recover... her sister is catching up fast a G13 seed from the same purchase. i49 gave me the G13s for free with the other seeds I bought. That is why I’m being so aggressive and reckless with my first grow (free means nothing to lose). I really want to learn this strain and see what she can do just for fun and science. High quality personal stash is the long game but I’m ok if I kill a few along the way or take the longest-back-ass-wards-way of getting there.



Well-Known Member
So I made more mistakes but damn if she doesn’t always recover... her sister is catching up fast a G13 seed from the same purchase. i49 gave me the G13s for free with the other seeds I bought. That is why I’m being so aggressive and reckless with my first grow (free means nothing to lose). I really want to learn this strain and see what she can do just for fun and science. High quality personal stash is the long game but I’m ok if I kill a few along the way or take the longest-back-ass-wards-way of getting there.
Just leave your plant alone for a month. That will not hurt it, it will allow your plant to FULLY recover. Then you can main line all you want. But you need to give your plant time to get established into her pot


Well-Known Member
The sad part is, your plant is already over a month old and it’s maybe 3-4 inches tall. Poor plant. She’s definitely not happy and you can see it. Killing the plant or not, you’re going to end up stunting growth.


Well-Known Member
So I made more mistakes but damn if she doesn’t always recover... her sister is catching up fast a G13 seed from the same purchase. i49 gave me the G13s for free with the other seeds I bought. That is why I’m being so aggressive and reckless with my first grow (free means nothing to lose). I really want to learn this strain and see what she can do just for fun and science. High quality personal stash is the long game but I’m ok if I kill a few along the way or take the longest-back-ass-wards-way of getting there.
It’s your prerogative to stumble around in the dark learning what not to do. I hope for your sake the dispensaries in your area are good because at this rate of taking the longest-back-ass-ward route, being aggressive and reckless in the name of fun and science you will never get high quality personal stash. Here‘s a novel idea, try to grow a healthy happy plant to harvest without too many screw ups using generally accepted good practices found on most any grow site. Once you have that down then start screwing with the process. GL


Well-Known Member
It’s your prerogative to stumble around in the dark learning what not to do. I hope for your sake the dispensaries in your area are good because at this rate of taking the longest-back-ass-ward route, being aggressive and reckless in the name of fun and science you will never get high quality personal stash. Here‘s a novel idea, try to grow a healthy happy plant to harvest without too many screw ups using generally accepted good practices found on most any grow site. Once you have that down then start screwing with the process. GL
I wouldn’t ever do what this guy has done lol. This guy is crazy, plants have immune systems too and the fact that he’s keeping his plants immune system so low, I wouldn’t be surprised his plant starts showing disease
Got grow glasses in the mail today. You can see where I maimed her. I did it to all sides to be even. Now I have six colas growing I believe. So my plan is to give them lots of light and let them be my mains. She will be a small plant for sure... her sister I’m gonna let grow and thrive without all the Fucking around right away


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Here’s hoping something good happens. Gonna let her grow more before I switch to flower
Damn Bro, thats one naked lady. I wouldn't even consider flowering her until she's grown more foliage and is looking healthier. The Flowering phase can be quite stressful on a plant so you want to make sure she's strong and healthy before this. I agree with the other folks here, just let her grow by herself for now and she'll repay you in the long run.
Damn Bro, thats one naked lady. I wouldn't even consider flowering her until she's grown more foliage and is looking healthier. The Flowering phase can be quite stressful on a plant so you want to make sure she's strong and healthy before this. I agree with the other folks here, just let her grow by herself for now and she'll repay you in the long run.
Oh yeah she will be growing for quite some time unbothered from here on out. The plan is to let her sister grow big enough to pull some clones from (hoping to get just two to survive) I’m gonna flower all four plants at the same time. Longest first grow ever but I’m in Michigan and it’s legal here and it’s just for fun while I’m still quarantined.


Well-Known Member
Oh yeah she will be growing for quite some time unbothered from here on out. The plan is to let her sister grow big enough to pull some clones from (hoping to get just two to survive) I’m gonna flower all four plants at the same time. Longest first grow ever but I’m in Michigan and it’s legal here and it’s just for fun while I’m still quarantined.
If she grows at all anymore.
E478DC86-CF80-486F-BAE2-674DB747DCD0.jpegQuick photo after transplant into random bucket I found, washed, drilled holes into and hope is food safe since it was an empty pet safe sidewalk salt bucket... otherwise everything is truckin along
Still haven’t switched to flower...tight node spacing and big leaves got me to do a good defoliation. Trying to keep my nightmares about mold at bay while I tinker with the mainlining structure till I’m happy209887C7-FA92-4C18-8993-D3F262272AB4.jpeg


Well-Known Member
Hi, may I ask why you're doing such extreme defoliation with such small plants? What is it you're hoping to achieve by doing this? I feel like your plants haven't grown very much since the pics you posted on the 10/08/20 and it's been nearly 3 and half weeks now. Your plants should have grown much much more in that space of time and i feel like you're stunting their growth by defoliating them so much. I don't disagree with defoliating, just don't think you're using the technique correctly or at the right time.