Alright Barack Obama supporters, now what?

Nobody is going to comment on the "leave Sarah Palin alone" post? OMG I'm still laughing, come on you bunch of sticks in the mud, that was classic funny shit, SNL should have done one of those !!!

But seriously, McCain was going to raise my taxes by taxing employer paid health benefits. Obama plans to lower my taxes. Easy decision, like the average politician on capitol hill, I plan to go with whatever puts more money in my pocket. Luckily I have them to set the example for what I should do. :mrgreen:
medi have you ever heard of stockholm syndrome? i think you got it

if you want me to clear up the differnce between us and the terrorists I will

we kill for peace and freedom & protection of the majority

they kill for chaos and subjegation & antimidation of the majority

have you ever seen a lion eat a cute little elephant pup?

you must first come to terms with what you are in order to understand what you have to do to survive with those who are just like u.

you preside over many deaths as we speak, yet you banter like a saint. instead if you care for human lives so much why not take a crumb of your wealth and save a gurl living in her own feces

until then I cannot take moral advise from you or anyone else for that matter
Not trying to give moral advice, Just pointing out the damn facts. To those that you call terrorists, we are the worlds largest terrorists. We kill more people worldwide by our excesses and corporate protection than the "terrorists" ever did or will do. Yeah Big P, I realize there are those that hate our guts, and rightly so if you look at the big picture. By taking a narrow view of the world and supposing we (The U.S,) are always right, I can see why you hold the view you do. Guess what, we aren't. There are 6+Billion humans on planet earth and these 300 million arent always in the right corner. The American people may have the right attitude, but our paranoid sinister government doesn't. We, the USA, are the most destructive government on the planet. We sell more weapons, emit more emissions, fuck over more peasants, and generally stir more shit than the law allows. To keep defending this sick nation (Government), is paramount to insanity.
Anyone could be considered a terrorist. All of us right here are considered terrorists because we break laws with marijuana consumption. What makes a terrorist is a pretty loose defination.
hopefully he will continue to not be corrupted, and e will atleast stabilize the economy, idk if he grows it i'm sitting pretty, if u really believe that obama is a terrorist then why don't u look at the fact that george bush profited of 9/11 and the war in iraq (saudi's pulled the 9/11 attack)

The wealth distribution plan is definatel on the side of socialism but then again the goverment has already been re-distributing money he's just up front about it

what he hasn't been upfront is straight up he's plan is

and for people who believe obama was the wrong pick someone tell me with a straight face that mccain would of been the right pick, didn'ttink so ron paul was the guy who should be in this position right now i'm proud that someone who shares my heritage is in office but i just want him to get things back on track

and if u actually look at the meaning of democracy and capitalism u would realize that for it to work in it's entirety there would have to be some SEVERE losers and some LANDSLIDE winners but when it comes down to it it's fair
errorism is the systematic use of terror especially as a means of coercion.[1] There is no internationally agreed definition of terrorism.[2][3] Most common definitions of terrorism include only those acts which are intended to create fear (terror), are perpetrated for an ideological goal (as opposed to a lone attack), and deliberately target or disregard the safety of non-combatants.

i dont think marijuana consumption falls under this.
Not trying to give moral advice, Just pointing out the damn facts. To those that you call terrorists, we are the worlds largest terrorists. We kill more people worldwide by our excesses and corporate protection than the "terrorists" ever did or will do. Yeah Big P, I realize there are those that hate our guts, and rightly so if you look at the big picture. By taking a narrow view of the world and supposing we (The U.S,) are always right, I can see why you hold the view you do. Guess what, we aren't. There are 6+Billion humans on planet earth and these 300 million arent always in the right corner. The American people may have the right attitude, but our paranoid sinister government doesn't. We, the USA, are the most destructive government on the planet. We sell more weapons, emit more emissions, fuck over more peasants, and generally stir more shit than the law allows. To keep defending this sick nation (Government), is paramount to insanity.

^^^^ At your suggestion, Med, I watched Link TV three times during the election campaign. That's about what I got from their obsessively hateful bullshit too. :roll:

[1] There is no internationally agreed definition of terrorism

This statement alone leaves government free to define what terrorism is based on how it fits their needs. If they have nothing else on you but they want you they can claim that by using marijuana you are funding terrorist groups who sell if for profit.

The government is a slippery greased pig, they can do pretty much what they want.
Nobody is going to comment on the "leave Sarah Palin alone" post? OMG I'm still laughing, come on you bunch of sticks in the mud, that was classic funny shit, SNL should have done one of those !!!

Don't write off Sarah Palin just yet. The Republicans, if they have learned anything from their losses, will throw the remaining wusses out of the party and come back with a roar ... with no NeoCons on board this time. In addition to Palin, there are plenty of young, fiscally conservative people on the way up in the Republican Party. Do a Google search on Bobby Jindal.

Only Ron Paul and anyone else that pops up like him. Hes the only politician that Ive ever agreed with. I just don't like socialism or imperialism. Thats why I never liked McCain or Obama.

I think we should be following the constitution, abolish the federal reserve, stop occupying every country in the world. Thats Change we can believe in. None of this will happen until either A) Media stops controlling your information B) People stop getting all their information from the box

Alright dknob, you've got so many negative posts towards Obama, and McCain, and any politician for that matter, and anyone supporting them, I want to know who YOU would vote for, and what YOU think America should be doing.
Don't write off Sarah Palin just yet. The Republicans, if they have learned anything from their losses, will throw the remaining wusses out of the party and come back with a roar ... with no NeoCons on board this time. In addition to Palin, there are plenty of young, fiscally conservative people on the way up in the Republican Party. Do a Google search on Bobby Jindal.


Is that the Rep that made the "If you take away the freedom to fail, you also take away the freedom to succeed" speech prior to voting against the Bail Out both times?
Only Ron Paul and anyone else that pops up like him. Hes the only politician that Ive ever agreed with.

I think we should be following the constitution, abolish the federal reserve, stop occupying every country in the world. Thats Change we can believe in. None of this will happen until either A) Media stops controlling your information B) People stop getting all their information from the box

There are lots of us who feel this same way. The Federal reserve was the first step towards a socialist government. We really do need to break away from the Republican and Democratic party before there will be any REAL change. Both parties are the same in my eyes... The first step is to stop believing what they SAY and start judging them by what the have actually done. Both party candidates were an all time low IMO.
Only Ron Paul and anyone else that pops up like him. Hes the only politician that Ive ever agreed with. I just don't like socialism or imperialism. Thats why I never liked McCain or Obama.

I think we should be following the constitution, abolish the federal reserve, stop occupying every country in the world. Thats Change we can believe in. None of this will happen until either A) Media stops controlling your information B) People stop getting all their information from the box

^^^ Hell ya. You've pretty much described paleo-conservatism right there. Hopefully, the Republican Party can get back into the paleo-conservatism business. :)

Here's a good site with links to other good sites: The Paleo Pundit

So why did you get behind Obama, what do you think he is going to do? If there is any reason at all?

r u serioous dude?

what do u think mccain will do? y would u stand behind the republican circus...mccain felt desperate to get a vote so he appointed an inexperienced person at 2nd in command.... get off ur racist high horse.
Is that the Rep that made the "If you take away the freedom to fail, you also take away the freedom to succeed" speech prior to voting against the Bail Out both times?

No, Bobby Jindal is the Governor of Louisiana. Liberals fear him just like they fear Palin ... so you know he's good. :mrgreen:

10 Things You Didn't Know About Bobby Jindal - US News and World Report



So why did you get behind Obama, what do you think he is going to do? If there is any reason at all?

I'm behind Obama because he wants to make changes to our nation that will harden it's foundation (the working poor and middle class). And improve it's infrastructure. If the man keeps just one of his campaign promises it could mean good things for our nation. All you nay sayers are crazy, Obama isn't even in office yet and you people are blaming him for the condition of todays dip on the stock market, that shit has been up and down for 3 solid weeks with great surges both ways than there was today.

What he will do: create more jobs here in the USA, and prove bigots wrong once and for all.
r u serioous dude?

what do u think mccain will do? y would u stand behind the republican circus...mccain felt desperate to get a vote so he appointed an inexperienced person at 2nd in command.... get off ur racist high horse.
gag reflex:hump::hump::mrgreen: