So, for a few years i have been messing with bag seed. I habe had okay plants, and this one here which is my worst,

I did every thing wrong i could think to do and i still grewna blunt! so im moving on. Im not going to begine a thread and torture all of you with the same questions you get asked every time a new member joins. but maybe yall can let me know ifnim on the right track so far.
so im leaning towards a grow tent kit off amazon to save time. The oblyvreal question therwbis about the light. its a 300w LED. the grow will be in a closet with no venilation, so ill be cutting a hole to vent directly to the attic, and ill run some dryer vent to suck some cool air off our AC and bring it int to the which will be kept on the cool side with plenty of cool fresh air for the plants. sorry i rambled. so is iswapping the lights recomended ?

I did every thing wrong i could think to do and i still grewna blunt! so im moving on. Im not going to begine a thread and torture all of you with the same questions you get asked every time a new member joins. but maybe yall can let me know ifnim on the right track so far.
so im leaning towards a grow tent kit off amazon to save time. The oblyvreal question therwbis about the light. its a 300w LED. the grow will be in a closet with no venilation, so ill be cutting a hole to vent directly to the attic, and ill run some dryer vent to suck some cool air off our AC and bring it int to the which will be kept on the cool side with plenty of cool fresh air for the plants. sorry i rambled. so is iswapping the lights recomended ?