Baked and with a question about Hash methods!.


Well-Known Member
Alright so my Pollen Catch is pretty full and was woundering whats the best hash method to use for the pollen from your grinder???
I've heard of "Shoe Hash,Iso Hash,the oven method hash... but which is the best for good hard potent hash? My first attempt at making hash failed, and it came out able to crumbel in your fingers and could never form it into a ball or anything "my guess is to much plant matierel" but I dont want to fail again! so my main question is...

"What is the best method for making kief,pollen hash. "Shoe Hash,Iso Hash,the oven method hash, or a method i haven't heard of yet...

Thank you.kiss-ass


Well-Known Member
wrap it tightly in plastic a few times and let something really heavy (bookshelf etc) sit on it for a few hours.

or just buy a pollen press


Well-Known Member
Pollen is another way of saying kief,keef,keaf,kif,crystals,THC,resin,thrinches or how ever its spelled...
no probably to some noob teenager but to someone who grows and or breeds cannabis pollen would be the stuff that comes out when a male flower busts, your looking at the resin glands that form the chemical you like tetrahydrocannabinol (delta 9) and for the medical users we like CBD... anyways put it in a dime baggie wrap it tightly put paper around it wet the paper put in over for a while under 300 and then take it out and put a rooler pin to it....but id say just smoke it as it i find it more enjoyable than pressed hash.


Well-Known Member
no probably to some noob teenager but to someone who grows and or breeds cannabis pollen would be the stuff that comes out when a male flower busts, your looking at the resin glands that form the chemical you like tetrahydrocannabinol (delta 9) and for the medical users we like CBD... anyways put it in a dime baggie wrap it tightly put paper around it wet the paper put in over for a while under 300 and then take it out and put a rooler pin to it....but id say just smoke it as it i find it more enjoyable than pressed hash.

yes pollen is a term from the male plants ball sacks but it is also another way of saying kief like i said many many many people call it pollen why do you think its called a pollen screen in your grinder??? i know pollen is not the true name it is just one of its many names sir... Peace :weed:


Well-Known Member
yes pollen is a term from the male plants ball sacks but it is also another way of saying kief like i said many many many people call it pollen why do you think its called a pollen screen in your grinder??? i know pollen is not the true name it is just one of its many names sir... Peace :weed:
its not called a pollen screen, at least ive never heard that term ever

its called a keif catcher or keef screen


Well-Known Member
its not called a pollen screen, at least ive never heard that term ever

its called a keif catcher or keef screen

Really??? arn't "Pollen presses" for making kief kake hash? every grinder i ever bought has said pollen screen or it comes with a pollen scraper or a pollen press... i just know that marijuana can be called by 100 diff names but god forbid anyone call "kief,keef,keaf,kif,crystals,thc,resin or pollen."



Well-Known Member
Never heard of "pollen presses" round here, it just makes more sense NOT to mix up the names of pollen (keef) and pollen (plant jiz)


Well-Known Member
all right do this, put it in a baggie put that baggie in paper and wrap paper around it, try for pulpy paper, wet paper, place in oven at 300 for like a min take out press and repeat untill you have black hash but once again, just smoke as-is its better imho.


Well-Known Member
all right do this, put it in a baggie put that baggie in paper and wrap paper around it, try for pulpy paper, wet paper, place in oven at 300 for like a min take out press and repeat untill you have black hash but once again, just smoke as-is its better imho.

So is making kief hash,pressed hash or w/e a waste???? should I just keep sprinkeling my bowls n doobies with the kief???? I thought
kief hash,pressed hash was more potent sence the heat/pressure breaks the glands and releases oils, its called decarboxilating the trichomes ""I think"" and thats how hash is made... but I do not know for sure thats why i'm on rollitup asking=)) :weed::arrow::weed::leaf:


Well-Known Member
The term pollen is used as a way to market either the press or the grinder. You can't say Kief, glands, thc, or any other term inside of headshops in most states, at least here in CA you can't. We all know that keif isn't pollen. It's a play on words so they can legaly sell them. Much the way we have to call a bong a "water pipe".