Greenpoint seeds!!

Who has some GPS weed porn? That's what I want from a thread about a seed company in Mary Jane forum.

Sorry I misread you. I saw a don’t where there wasn’t one. I work for a business owned by Republicans. I respect and like them. I’ve voted for republicans in the past and I’m definitely not some reflexive partisan. Without getting into particulars, I don’t care for Trump’s rhetoric and those who repeat or promote it. It’s also kinda impossible to separate the person from the policy, like how some people can overlook the fact that he’s a piece of shit because he juiced the stock market and nominated a list of judges handpicked by the Federalist Society. The company I work for is owned by evangelicals who support low taxes, small government, and gun rights. I respect their opinion. The republicans I work for don’t parrot Trump’s racist, misogynist, nationalist rhetoric so I couldn’t care too much if they have a mainstream conservative worldview.

So on the subject of GPS, if the owners want to support Trump that’s fine. Differing opinions and the protected ability to express them is one thing that makes this country great. I draw the line at demon semen and hydroxychloroquine and other crackpot or racist shit though. Repeating or promoting that kind of stuff is bad, and so is being in any kind of personality cult that is so divorced from observable reality. Just like Trump said about covid though, it will all be over eventually, and one day we’ll be a little less polarized. Sorry for misreading your earlier post. Here’s a pic of some bodega that’s looking good.
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To be morally correct you have to be factually correct. Then there is difference between morals and ethics. yada yada You can ignore me.

“The welfare of the people in particular has always been the alibi of tyrants.” Albert Camus
I'm not going to put someone on ignore because I don't like what they are saying. Even the dumbest and loudest can have a good idea once in a while so your just limiting your own success by ignoring people.

I dont follow on what you mean by factually correct?

In my morals its wrong to cheat on your wife when she's carrying your child with a pornstar.

I dont think there are ways to make this factually correct but my morals show its wrong.

Same with knowing about bounties on your own troops and doing nothing about it.

How is this not bad in your eyes?
Exactly. He’s just an abjectly horrible human being, with a half century of well documented shitheaderry in his past. I was never a fan of GOP policy to begin with, but even if I was I couldn’t support someone who’s just so completely devoid of morals. I can think of a number of Democrats — Rod Blagojevich and John Edwards off the top of my head, that I would say are just as shitty people as Trump, and I couldn’t vote for someone like that even if I liked their policies. What Edwards and Blagojevich (who was pardoned by Trump) did were both inexcusable. The fact that I agree with their policies and campaigned for one of them in 2004 doesn’t forgive the fact that one tried to sell Obama’s senate seat to the highest bidder and the other one cheated on his wife while she was dying of cancer, or Anthony Weiner, who was married and sent dick pics to an underage girl. The partisan thing is secondary for me. When that shit about Edwards came out I had to keep telling myself I was just campaigning for Kerry, even though it came out after 2004 and I didn’t know Edwards was a piece of shit at the time I still felt bad about it after the fact. Now imagine if one of them was making racist and defamatory shitposts on twitter every day on top of that. I don’t imagine a lot of democrats rushing to their defense, let alone worshipping them.
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Sorry I misread you. I saw a don’t where there wasn’t one. I work for a business owned by Republicans. I respect and like them. I’ve voted for republicans in the past and I’m definitely not some reflexive partisan. Without getting into particulars, I don’t care for Trump’s rhetoric and those who repeat or promote it. It’s also kinda impossible to separate the person from the policy. The company I work for is owned by evangelicals who support low taxes, small government, and gun rights. I respect their opinion. The republicans I work for don’t parrot Trump’s racist, misogynist, nationalist rhetoric so I couldn’t care too much if they have a mainstream conservative worldview.

So on the subject of GPS, if the owners want to support Trump that’s fine. Differing opinions and the protected ability to express them is one thing that makes this country great. I draw the line at demon semen and hydroxychloroquine though. Repeating or promoting that kind of stuff is bad, and so is being in any kind of personality cult that is so divorced from observable reality. Just like Trump said about covid though, it will all be over eventually, and one day we’ll be a little less polarized. Sorry for misreading your earlier post. Here’s a pic of some bodega that’s looking good.
View attachment 4655769
Who has some GPS weed porn? That's what I want from a thread about a seed company in Mary Jane forum.
I was just about to load up this jelly pie and set it on fire ;)
I meant now I have an excuse to buy more GPS. The excuse is supporting people that other people are discriminating against or attempting to cancel via ochlocracy and thought policing. Even if Cannarardo was supporting an empty vessel with dementia that bends in the wind politically like an air dancer, Joe Biden, I'd still buy their product if they have good service, a good product, and treat their employees well. The funny thing about ochlocracy is that no one is safe. Don't be a cipher in the mob.
There’s another site where trumptards dominate and smart people get banned by heisen.
You would fit right in...
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These last couple of pages have been torture. Please have some compassion for those who want to read about herb and not the latest MSM talking points.

I think everyone has discussed, processed, and moved on from it. Sure it’s a shock and a surprise, but putting that shit aside and getting along is the most effective remedy for the horrible polarization going on right now. I do it every day with my Trump supporting general superintendent, who I like and respect despite our divergent world views. That’s what we need more of. I can disapprove of certain aspects of a person while still respecting the big picture. All this tribalism and idealism, to quote Captain Picard, is causing the perfect to become the enemy of the good. Nobody remembers how to compromise and find middle ground anymore.

Anyway my veg tent is all clear of bugs, but I’ve gotta do something about these 5 big plants.


I want to give the sky master in the bottom left to my friend but she’s been really busy lately and hasn’t been able to pick it up. The 3 in the middle are cookie crunch. Lanky as fuck although they’re getting a nicer structure now that I’ve staked them. Top right is my fire rum runner mom. All the little guys are from BOG and Cannarado.
These last couple of pages have been torture. Please have some compassion for those who want to read about herb and not the latest MSM talking points.
Probably be better for Greenpoint Seeds to stop posting political stuff to their companies IG account if you all don't want to see this talk come up. I agree its more fun to post and talk about weed but if Gu hadn't posted that, none of this chat would be here.
That’s the part I can’t reconcile. I grew up in New Mexico and experienced two terms of Gary Johnson as governor. He did a good job. I agreed with a lot of his ideas and have a libertarian bent on things like guns and drugs despite being mostly mainstream liberal. I think a lot of libertarian leaning folks have latched onto Trump because of his economic nationalism and support for gun rights but they willfully ignore the fact that his administration is stacked with hardcore war on drugs neocons. Anyway I’m done talking about politics. And yeah, this is GPS’s business. I keep my political views to myself in professional settings. I’ve got no problem if he wants to post pro Trump stuff from a personal account but businesses shouldn’t be overtly partisan IMO. It’s a little disappointing but I’m not gonna jump on some cancel culture bandwagon or stop hitting up their sales.
Imagine selling cannabis seeds while at the same time supporting the party/ppl responsible for its continued prohibition :dunce:
Greenpoint is run by an alt-right Chad, they are not getting my money, ever.
It’s almost as believable as a bunch of Potheads arguing over which news channel they watch and pretending they know about politics. Kinda like all the old goodie two shoes that think everyone who smokes pot is a junkie, because that’s what they were told to think. Go try and argue with someone who thinks pot is equal to heroin, and you will have the same results as arguing with someone who thinks trump is a racist, or someone who thinks Obama was a terrorist. Just a bunch of people repeating what they were told to think. Apparently this site is much different b/c we have a bunch of high ranking politicians with inside knowledge who as a hobby grow weed in tents, and decide to post the results on the internet. Just to be clear I have never bought a pack of greenpoint seeds and do not support the company for other reasons. Using race baiting Tactics and political viewpoints to shit on a company is the same way weed became illegal. I would have said breeder, but that is obviously not what is going on here. At some point people need to wake the fuck up and stop being puppets.
It’s almost as believable as a bunch of Potheads arguing over which news channel they watch and pretending they know about politics. Kinda like all the old goodie two shoes that think everyone who smokes pot is a junkie, because that’s what they were told to think. Go try and argue with someone who thinks pot is equal to heroin, and you will have the same results as arguing with someone who thinks trump is a racist, or someone who thinks Obama was a terrorist. Just a bunch of people repeating what they were told to think. Apparently this site is much different b/c we have a bunch of high ranking politicians with inside knowledge who as a hobby grow weed in tents, and decide to post the results on the internet. Just to be clear I have never bought a pack of greenpoint seeds and do not support the company for other reasons. Using race baiting Tactics and political viewpoints to shit on a company is the same way weed became illegal. I would have said breeder, but that is obviously not what is going on here. At some point people need to wake the fuck up and stop being puppets.
I have to ask, why does everything have to be political, I'll use my points I made as a reference. My dislike towards him is based on moral values the exact same way I dislike rapists, racists and child predators. Just because they may be in a political position all of a sudden that hate has to be about their party and not just the fact dudes an asshole?
Using race baiting Tactics and political viewpoints to shit on a company is the same way weed became illegal. I would have said breeder, but that is obviously not what is going on here. At some point people need to wake the fuck up and stop being puppets.
I called out Greenpoint for supporting politicians that put cannabis users in jail. Explain how that is race-baiting or how weed became illegal :confused:

Let me tell you something, boycotting companies for shitty behavior is the complete opposite of being a "puppet." Its called consumer activism and it is one of the most effective forms of protest we have in a capitalist society. I recommend you read some literature on the cannabis/hippy movement and how they fought for change. Also, read a few books on politics, you seem completely mystified by the topic. Telling people to "wake the fuck up" is useless when you propose nothing and have no understanding of the topic.
Does it not seem odd? I look at buying seeds everyday. I don't see ANY company throwin sales out as often. Is it bad sales? Bad beans? I guess I always fall back to cause and effect.
Are you a breeder? I've seen something lately to that effect but not sure. I'm just curious as well.
they have big sales because that stuff is junk! and a waste of time!