Deadly pot! Noone smoke!

da fuck? this is my new sig, u can put crack in it usually cocaine it goes in easier but crack is easier to smoke that's why people (especially up north) mix it and sell it as purple haze
thats a waste of product their.......don't spray em with raid and maybe you will live longer:peace:
Don't smoke moldy bud and don't spray anyhting on it that your not supposed to and you should be alright.
i remember a "Gangster" telling me, him and his "boys" would inject their plants with heron before harvest.
i remember a "Gangster" telling me, him and his "boys" would inject their plants with heron before harvest.
i used to get this shit we called the ghettofunk it was mostly black and smelled like,well it smelled like dust i guess cause thats mostly what it was but that was the fun of it
i remember a "Gangster" telling me, him and his "boys" would inject their plants with heron before harvest.
I have never heard anything like this,,or mixing it with crack... years ago in Oz we used to get budda sticks which came from Thailand and were laced with opium supposedly...these days we just get pot in our pot...all the other drugs are really expensive here so why would anyone bother (I guess) bongsmilie
Its a fact that sometimes they lace weed with little glass balls, so it looks like its coverd in trichs. The balls r so tiny that when u suck em in while smoking they become red hot and burn microscopic holes in your lungs.

Source: Should i smoke dope. BBC Documentary
hmmm, i could mash up my morphine and seperate it into a liquid then soak a bud in it then let it dry? That would be something like a compromsie me and the medical boards could all agree on!
after reading all these posts...all I can say is I am glad I grow my own!! forget crack and glass and raid and all that craziness..putting weed in my lungs occasionally is bad enough..but jeez forget
And if one were so devious how would this be done?? :roll:

well, the crappy way is to take regs and soak them in "crack juice" basically anything that is left inside the baking soda cocaine mixture and leave it out to dry

the better, way is to take unrocked cocaine and sprinkle unsellable amounts (something that would amount to less than $5) onto buds, remember COCAINE IS A HELL OG A DRUG u would be suprised what u feel with the tiny amounts (i've never done it just my understanding of it) and even if u dnt feel anything u will get the physical dependenc issue

the best most caring (if u can call it that) is to take the smallest rocks, crush then and sprinkle them onto the bud, they look a lil crystally meriting the price hike, u make more because if u sprinkle, a $5 bag of crack onto a $10 bag of weed, and sell it for $20, u make a $5 profit on top, and will prolly hjave a regular customer
