Deadly pot! Noone smoke!

all that trouble for 5$
come on man

yeah.... nobody does that..... but i used to hang out in the hood (had a lil crack problem in my teen years) and it is common practice to put a little, and i mean little bit of crack in a blunt if it is to be passed around between alot of heads... gives everyone more of a buzz (of course) and in that small of a quantity, isnt really noticeable as a coke product high; kinda has a synergistic effect.... but i wouldnt smoke one now; or i would be relapsing... crack is bad mmkay, dont do crack mmkay...
idk it seems like a very big city north thing i don't see it in florida or in texas, but it's definately common in the north, i actually saw them doing it, but i was only a lil jit of a trapper so i wasn't gonna say anything and get my ass beat
idk it seems like a very big city north thing i don't see it in florida or in texas, but it's definately common in the north, i actually saw them doing it, but i was only a lil jit of a trapper so i wasn't gonna say anything and get my ass beat

so you have seen this more than once???? in my lifetime i have seen, known, and been friends with (still am with some of them) many crack dealers... and none of them would ever consider doing something like that to the weed, cause a) wouldnt waste the product, b) wouldnt do that to a non-crack smoker... guess they had morals... must be a southern thing...:confused:
my Guy, he's from NZ and he tells me ,,,that over there they spray shit dope with fly spray to make it seem stronger...eewww..... and they sray with sugared water to make it heaver.... :^(
see the south dosen't really see it but they guy frm the north knows what i'm talkin about, guess it is a northern thing:blsmoke:

i'll have to remember that buying weed in the hood is not a good backup plan if i am ever in the north.... wouldnt even be considered as a possible business practice down here... crack sells itself, as does the weed, no need to mix the two... that shits crazy man... i never would have thought that.... yall got some asshole hustlers up there bro... i'd call it ambition over smarts (just to make a name play there:mrgreen:).... we would go whoop some ass if anyone put crack in our weed... even crackheads (here) dont want crack in their weed, not premixed at least....
my Guy, he's from NZ and he tells me ,,,that over there they spray shit dope with fly spray to make it seem stronger...eewww..... and they sray with sugared water to make it heaver.... :^(

have seen that... there is a "secret recipe" that involves roach spray and something else to make it smell better, maybe even gives you some kind of poisonous buzz???, but the sugar water for weight is a common practice everywhere ive been.... had a buddy that used to mule pounds, and he would bust em open and take an ounce out of each one.... doesnt take much sugar water to weigh an ounce... but we all know what happens when you bag up wet weed... mold.. but they didnt give a shit; they weren't smoking that part of the weed anyway.... assholes
my Guy, he's from NZ and he tells me ,,,that over there they spray shit dope with fly spray to make it seem stronger...eewww..... and they sray with sugared water to make it heaver.... :^(

they make all kinds of flavored sprays for your weed. im personally not down with that but i know people that love it...
why would ya want to flavor weed anyway it takes time to grow it out and it usualy tastes like candy anyway
see the south dosen't really see it but they guy frm the north knows what i'm talkin about, guess it is a northern thing:blsmoke:
idk if its a "northern thing" but i do kno that alot of dealers lace their weed with crack, or spray it with LSD solution. ppl might do it in other parts of the country, but i kno the tri-state areas weed is crazy, and theres a reason why it is.
idk if its a "northern thing" but i do kno that alot of dealers lace their weed with crack, or spray it with LSD solution. ppl might do it in other parts of the country, but i kno the tri-state areas weed is crazy, and theres a reason why it is.

HORSESHIT, BULLSHIT, PIGSHIT..... it is not possible to smoke lsd... you have been sitting in on too many DARE classes.... lsd is completely destroyed with heat... not to mention hard as fuck to come by and expensive... stop propagating urban legends..:evil:
idk if its a "northern thing" but i do kno that alot of dealers lace their weed with crack, or spray it with LSD solution. ppl might do it in other parts of the country, but i kno the tri-state areas weed is crazy, and theres a reason why it is.
Far as I know...(and that's a you can not smoke LSD and feel its effects....maybe they use fly spray there too..eeeewwww:cry:
yeah.... nobody does that..... but i used to hang out in the hood (had a lil crack problem in my teen years) and it is common practice to put a little, and i mean little bit of crack in a blunt if it is to be passed around between alot of heads... .. crack is bad mmkay, dont do crack mmkay...
we call that a nitro

idk if its a "northern thing" but i do kno that alot of dealers lace their weed with crack, or spray it with LSD solution. ppl might do it in other parts of the country, but i kno the tri-state areas weed is crazy, and theres a reason why it is.
their are tri state areas all over the us????noone sprays lsd on weedive lived up north ive lived down south ppl dont lace weed its a waste just sumthin you heard from someone who heard and you believed it

Far as I know...(and that's a you can not smoke LSD and feel its effects....maybe they use fly spray there too..eeeewwww:cry:
you can not smoke lsd well you can but it wont do nuthin ive tryed it years ago
we call that a nitro

their are tri state areas all over the us????noone sprays lsd on weedive lived up north ive lived down south ppl dont lace weed its a waste just sumthin you heard from someone who heard and you believed it

you can not smoke lsd well you can but it wont do nuthin ive tryed it years ago

a nitro huh? hell it was so damn common amonst the circles i was in that they just called it a blunt... if you were cool enough with them to be smokin on their weed, then you didnt even have to ask; you knew it would be in there... but i agree with you... people dont lace weed, unless you ask for it... thats just propaganda perpetuated by government, cops, and teachers to make marijuana seem bad cause they know that by itself it is effectively harmless......
and you tried to smoke acid once??:lol:.. you must have had alot of it to even consider trying it:mrgreen:... you coulda ate the acid-weed:mrgreen: