Surprise, Another Close Trump Associate Charged With Fraud.

Steve is looking at 20 years, a life sentence, America and the world will be a better place when this scumbag is removed from society. It seems Donald has drawn every con man and crook to his banner, at least after this mess you will know who all the real assholes are in America, for a time. Until a new crop springs up that is, stupidity is as perennial as the grass, each year throws up a fresh crop of assholes, fewer than the year before hopefully.

Whoever carries Donald's water at point this ain't worth shit, and ain't a patriot, that much is plain to see. They not only support this moron, they support your disenfranchisement, they have no problem with the lying, election cheating, foreign collusion, or voter suppression. They have defined themselves as fascists who KNOWINGLY support an enemy of humanity and a traitor to America. You cannot be an American fascist, it is incompatible with allegiance to the US constitution, the founding and current liberal ethos of the country.
Yer lawyer called again with some pro bono good legal news...

Bannon Indicted by SDNY for "Build the Wall" Fraud. Will He Flip on Trump or Await a Pardon?

The Department of Justice, Southern District of New York US Attorney's Office has indicted and arrested for running a fraudulent, sham organization called "We Build the Wall." Bannon and three co-conspirators bilked hundreds of thousands of donors out of $25 million.

Big ticket questions are: 1. Will Bannon plead guilty and cooperate with prosecutors? 2. If he cooperates, what can Banon tell prosecutors about possible crimes by Trump? 3. Instead of flipping, will Bannon hold out for a corrupt pardon, figuratively joining the corrupt cabal of Roger Stone and Mike Flynn?
You should be judged by the company you keep....
Birds of a feather, Donald was in way over his head, all of these people were way smarter than Donald, most people are, Donald knows this, resents it and tries to hide his stupidity. Donald was useful to them for laundering money into America, getting American real estate, assets and even citizenship, I figure all of his golf courses and other properties are really Russian owned.
And do you feel that Trump gave a proper reason for Stone/Flynn who were proven guilty of their crimes?
TBD on Stone, probably not. Flynn case still unresolved, no pardon or commutation. But Flynn was railroaded in my opinion.
Yer lawyer called again with some pro bono good legal news...

Bannon Indicted by SDNY for "Build the Wall" Fraud. Will He Flip on Trump or Await a Pardon?

The Department of Justice, Southern District of New York US Attorney's Office has indicted and arrested for running a fraudulent, sham organization called "We Build the Wall." Bannon and three co-conspirators bilked hundreds of thousands of donors out of $25 million.

Big ticket questions are: 1. Will Bannon plead guilty and cooperate with prosecutors? 2. If he cooperates, what can Banon tell prosecutors about possible crimes by Trump? 3. Instead of flipping, will Bannon hold out for a corrupt pardon, figuratively joining the corrupt cabal of Roger Stone and Mike Flynn?
If your Bannon, wouldn't you just not say shit take the guilty verdict and take the Roger Stone path to escape justice?
TBD on Stone, probably not. Flynn case still unresolved, no pardon or commutation. But Flynn was railroaded in my opinion.
Flynn got caught talking to foreign nations while Trump was not POTUS when he was talking to cronies of dictators already under surveillance.

And then stupidly lied to the FBI (crime) and supposedly to the Vice President Pence. If Flynn got railroaded it was by taking dirty money for foreign dictators and lying to our nation about his contacts with them when he was caught.

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I love the last part that confirms my suspicions that this is strictly the Russian side of Trump's con and that there are still plenty of shoes to drop with other foreign dictators illegal ties to Trump and his brood.
If your Bannon, wouldn't you just not say shit take the guilty verdict and take the Roger Stone path to escape justice?
Steve's problem is he probably won't go to trial until after the new year with a new AG, Donald can't commute a sentence until it is imposed and he won't pardon anybody who can testify against him. Steve is an asshole, but a smart one, he can figure all this out, Donald might promise, but he won't deliver. Bannon is looking at 20 years for this shit and he has 3 other guys who are gonna run to the prosecutors as fast as they can. Steve might be able to cut a deal for Donald's ass, but after the new year they won't need him to put Trump away for life on a large variety of indictments.

I think Steve will squeal or try to, but remember they have plenty of slam dunk cases against Donald and don't need Bannon for much. Steve knows a lot though, he knows where the bodies are buried and was at the heart of things for awhile. I'll bet a lot of slime balls who had conversations with Bannon in the WH might be sweating now.
Gee, remember a few weeks ago when Barr tried to gut the SDNY prosecutor's office and failed?

I'm sure it is a coincidence.

Bannon has a get out of jail free card with Trump, he's smart enough to bank that shit. Trump was pretty dismissive of him though, after being so effusive toward Ghislaine. Wonder what she has on him? cough, cough.