Aussie Growers Thread


Well-Known Member
Leave the parachute behind ya depressive bastard
I said thanks, but "no", as it's a tandem. I want to make the decision to exit for myself & not have someone else strapped to my back doing it for me.

Now I just have to convince the Mrs to take the plunge in my place.....

I'm not depressed, mate. Just all over the place like a dog's breakfast right now. The "lows" come & go as quickly as the "angrys" & other extremes of emotion that I currently feel powerless to control. Hard to explain. I'm sure you understand.

AND!!!! Fair shake of the sauce bottle, mate - no matter how "down" I've EVER been, I've never contemplated suicide (well, maybe for a femtosecond about 17 years ago). I dismissed it back then as the coward's way out (no offence) & still consider it the same way.

I WILL get through this. 'Just dunno why it's lasting so long.

Edit: I missed the opportunity to use the word "Maelstrom" in this post. My vocabulary is one thing that's eluded me of late.....:(
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Lucky Luke

Well-Known Member
first bust im not worried about. Apart from some Break and enters and assault convictions when i was younger my records pretty clean. A few speeding tickets but thats it. So slap on the wrist im hoping.
But ya gotta live life and if u get done u take the penalty.


Well-Known Member
he was lucky. mate of mine got done on the way home from me last year with an OZ. 1st drug offence but he has allot of speeding and hooning offences. he got $100 fine and 12 months good behavior. The guy up before him got 3 months gaol for an ozzie (must not of been his first offence) and lost his car.
Never go to court without a lawyer they live ya playing into the system.
My last apperance in court my lawyer walked in to court house said ill give u a discount freequent flyer points whole court room started laughing.


Well-Known Member
"You're a sexy woman, Flo."
Obviously watched this a few times. Can also quote from Mad Max 2 (hahaha).
Mad Max 2 you say?

I pretty much shrug play dumb and say the boss sent me down from the farm to get What we’ve run out of.
I only go to the Ag store once every 2 years so just go to a different one each time and as the guys in the warehouses say 'there are lots of tomato growers that all buy the same shit chuckle chuckle". But you'd be hard pressed t find anyone over the age of 12 that hasn't pulled a cone round here nobody really gives a fuck except the odd Karen that has moved up from Melbourne.

Im starting some backyard renovations its been a bit shit for a while. Ive got like 70m2 of stone to lay and an outdoor kitchen to build should be bad ass. I've got to build a shed for the bik's and another for all the other shit. I did the slab for it just before I signed up here
Take a few pics and throw a few tips for outdoor kitchen. I have always wanted one after living in Indo where everyone has one and got some space now to build one.

Decent plant say 2lbs dried in mid to late flower would have to go bout 4 to 5kg times that by 10 plants. Get done for commercial on 10 plants.
No risk no reward i spose
Dont read the laws and try to forget about em and then just make sure you dont get caught. Thats my method anyway still a paranoid cunt though mostly


Guess who just got given a gift voucher for a tandem skydive by his partner?!?!?!?!?

She knows me. She's a keeper.:hug:
If I was asked what to buy Rewerb for his birthday I would say sky dive and I dont know you from Adam.

Lucky Luke

Well-Known Member
Never go to court without a lawyer they live ya playing into the system.
My last apperance in court my lawyer walked in to court house said ill give u a discount freequent flyer points whole court room started laughing.
Lawyer is why i didn't go to gaol for the break and enters whilst another guy did 12 months.
Handy to have someone to call out the over worked prosecution. Poor cunt couldn't even get me to pay damages. haha
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Lucky Luke

Well-Known Member
Best part is it is Indiana Bubblegum x DJ Short blueberry F4 both parents are old as fuck, look at the frost and it hits hard. All this talk about thc levels so much higher now all a load of bollocks
Dont forget me if u find a keeper.

Yea its crap all that talk. Its so Americanised. Aussie had lots of great pot as did most the world.