Pot Size for Super Soil


Well-Known Member
What size pot do you use for your indoor grows; 5, 7, 10, 15? I know subcool is old news but I don’t recall him recommending a large pot size like many growers do. Also, do you layer the hot soil on the bottom?


Well-Known Member
How big do you want your plant to grow?

Always layer hot on the bottom. By the the time the roots get there, the bottom isn't as hot.


Well-Known Member
I grow in a 5 gal pail for my final pot.

I should also only be growing two plants at a time but here we are.

Pails will, or can, net a monster sized plant. Going larger means a bigger plant still.

So the questions wasn't how big are your plant but how big do you want them to be?


Well-Known Member
Do you plan to do no-till? what's the timing of your final transplant in relation to flipping to flower? Are you water only or using bottled nutrients? Are you top dressing or using tea's?


Well-Known Member
Do you plan to do no-till? what's the timing of your final transplant in relation to flipping to flower? Are you water only or using bottled nutrients? Are you top dressing or using tea's?
I transplant a few days before flip. Water only and top dress. I grow 2 plants in the garage and 2 plants in another part of the house. I cannot do no-till until I find a JAWS recipe to see me thru harvest with a little help from top dressing.

What is minimum size pot for no-till?


Well-Known Member
That's a subject of some debate, but i would say 10g is generally considered the minimum.
The GroPro 8gal square pot behaves more like a 10gal round and left me very impressed.

Kinda do a notill, but DO recycle my soil every couple seasons.



Well-Known Member
You can't "no till" a pot. You're gonna have to pull those roots out eventually.
When would that be? I haven't pulled a root in 7 grow cycles now. And if we pulled the roots, what's feeding the bacteria, fungi, and worms? I just cut off my plants at soil level, leaving the bottom stalk in there too. By the time I'm half-way through my next cycle, there isn't even a sign of the stalk left. And I like to grow big plants. I also recycle everything from my last harvest that grows above the soil too except the trichomes and a bit of flower that my friends and family enjoy. It's used as a mulch after I knock down the cover-crop in mid-veg during the following cycle.


Well-Known Member
You can run one very large plant, a couple large ones, several mediums, or a bunch of small plants...

Size of the pot itself doesn't matter. You need to gauge what size plants/training&growing techniques will work best for your grow place/equipment, and then size your pots according to that.

For example, I run a small 2x3x5.5ft tent. I've had 4x 5gal pots, 2x 10gal pots, and I'm currently running one 18gal sub irrigated tote. My most limiting factor, is height, so I have to use SCROG/LST techniques to help keep my canopy low/wide, so I can make the most of my small space. I could also run about 12 0.5gal pots in the space, but thats not my preference.

The reason I mention all of this, is to show that pot size is fairly relative, and should moreso be determined by your grow style, space limitations, and equipment... otherwise pot size is just an arbitrary decision in the whole process. Especially in terms of super soil, because that's used in terms of volume of soil relative to pot size.. so regardless if you grow in a 1gal or 10gal, your still putting roughly 25-33% super soil or w.e the case may be.

If you plan on doing no-till, im not going to suggest a specific size container, but larger is better for the most part. More soil = opportunity for larger/more diverse soil food web.


Well-Known Member
I currently have 2 20gal no till pots one on its 3rd cycle and one on its second cycle go as big as you can if you plan to amend and reuse soil


Active Member
What size pot do you use for your indoor grows; 5, 7, 10, 15? I know subcool is old news but I don’t recall him recommending a large pot size like many growers do. Also, do you layer the hot soil on the bottom?
I use a number 5 that holds 3.9 gallons. Fill it to the top with Happy frog, hand mixed with 3 cups of warm water and transplant my clone.

After two days I add 3 cups of water then 3 cups every three days for 4-6 weeks.
Week 5 starts with 6 cups every two days.

4x4 tent
5 pots
Yields 1 1/2lb with manipulation.
What size pot do you use for your indoor grows; 5, 7, 10, 15? I know subcool is old news but I don’t recall him recommending a large pot size like many growers do. Also, do you layer the hot soil on the bottom?